Monday, March 10, 2025

Google Chrome: How to activate performance mode in the famous browser? | computer | laptop | technology

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in its infancy, Chrom It stands out from other browsers with its speed and simple interface, however, times change and many users often complain that this browser consumes a lot of resources such as memory and energy.

And it is that the virtual server company Cloudzy in 2022 analyzed exactly how much this browser consumed and found that With 10 tabs open, Chrome takes just over 1000MB of RAM. For this reason, in response to user needs, Google launched a new performance mode feature at the end of the previous year.

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To activate this function you must Access Chrome settings and select the Performance section or section.. In this you will find two categories, Memory saver and power saver.

When the first one is activatedChrome frees memory from inactive tabs. This frees up more computing resources for active tabs and other applications, and keeps them running quicklyHe points to the company.

For its part, the second is activated by default and its name describes its purpose: saving energy. Chrome will do this Reduce background activity and reduce visual effects. Unlike the other, this option allows the user to select when to activate it. You can choose to activate it when the battery reaches 20 percent or when the computer is unplugged.

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What do I do if I can’t find Performance Mode in Google Chrome?

If you can’t find Power saving mode turned on in Chrome, Your computer may not be using battery power, which means Chrome doesn’t need this particular feature to workor Chrome doesn’t recognize your PC or Mac as a laptop computer, so it doesn’t automatically enable power saving mode.

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In builds prior to version 114, even if Power Saving Mode isn’t in plain sight, it can still be enabled through hidden Chrome features. To activate the hidden power saving mode, the first thing you need to do is In Google Chrome, type “chrome://flags” into your browser’s address bar.

You will then need to Look for “Battery mode” in the hidden functions search field. hidden function called “Enable the battery saving mode feature in SettingsClick the drop-down menu to the right of this function and Select the option “Enabled”. Finally, close and reopen Google Chrome to find the power saving mode in Settings, specifically in the Settings path, then Performance and finally Battery.

GDA/Time/Juan David Cano Lobera/Colombia

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