Monday, March 10, 2025

Google signs alliance with NFT and blockchain gaming company Dapper Labs

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Key facts:
  • Flow has over 50 DApps running on its network.

  • Brands like NBA, CryptoKitties, and UFC are already working on the Flow network.

Google is joining the fever of NFTs, blockchain games and decentralized apps. Through its cloud storage service, Google Cloud, it will help expand and develop the Flow blockchain, developed by Dapper Labs.

The agreement was made official on September 14 at A press release Compiled by Forbes portal. This was confirmed by Dapper Labs CEO Roham Gharegozlou through his site law Project and Twitter. The CEO welcomed Google into the Flow ecosystem.

It is worth noting that the Association, at least as confirmed by the Forbes article Directly with Google Cloud, a division of computer services (cloud storage and server rental, among others) and not with all Google services. In this regard, it should be clarified that within the framework of Google’s policies, it has been established that cryptocurrency mining within its platform is prohibited.

Some of the brands and companies currently operating within Flow. Source: Flow.

According to Jannet Kennedy, Vice President of North America at Google Cloud, the goal of the business alliance is to help Dapper Labs achieve “rapid and sustainable growth.”

Although the link will have direct effects on the users of the network, for example, New platforms that can be included in FlowIt will also provide great benefits to developers. Those responsible for writing the code for decentralized applications in Flow will have direct integration between the network and Google Cloud services.

An important point to note is related to network operation. flow Introduces himself As a decentralized cryptocurrency network, this link to the Google Cloud service, It would not mean – at least, as stated in the statement – some kind of centralization in the network.

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Dapper Labs: Billionaire Company Creator of CryptoKitties and NBA Top Shot

Meanwhile, Dapper Labs is a Canadian company that, in addition to its development of the Flow blockchain, has created platforms such as Crypto cats The highest shot in the NBA. according to reportage From the Informatión portal, Dapper Labs has a market capitalization of over $7.5 billion.

As for Flow, this is quotes Its native cryptocurrency is ranked 83rd in the crypto-asset ranking, according to its market capitalization. Some exchanges, for example, OKEx, They have in their asset list, as reported by CriptoNoticias last February, when it was added to the trading platform.

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