Monday, March 10, 2025

Gustavo Pietro and his harsh warning: “First they overthrow the president instead of privatizing health”

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President Gustavo Petro of Soacha (Cundinamarca) spoke about the public health promoted by his government and gave a strange warning – Presidency Credit

At a public event of Soacha (Cundinamarca), as part of his tour of the main cities of the country, in order to present a report on his administration in the regions, the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, explained his struggle for public defense of health; According to him, in the face of any privatization attempt that would be promoted by sectors opposing his government. The announcement sparked controversy as expected.

In a lengthy intervention, in which he also touched on other critical issues for the country, the Head of State stressed the importance of maintaining the health model that focuses on preventing diseases and treating them in a timely manner. One of the pillars of his health reform, which he intended to implement in the Congress of the Republic through an urgent message, but it may be difficult to process.

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“Public health is not being privatized, they are taking out the president first instead of privatizing health. Whatever path we take, we collide and we work, this is what the President announced at the event called “Government with Change”, in which he stressed the consistency of his position regarding policies that seek to change the health system and which, as he pointed out, were recorded in the newspaper Nationalism. Development Plan (PND).

Gustavo Petro was responsible for defending many of the reforms proposed by his government, including changes to the pension system and improvements to the health system – Credit Infobae

In his speech, the head of state He stressed how important the preventive health model is for the well-being of the population It is, in his opinion, reinforced by national laws such as the Legal Health Code. “Many treatable diseases become incurable if they are not treated in time, if they are not detected. The preventive health model is mandated under the statutory health law,” the governor explained.

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In response to discussions about possible changes towards privatization, Petro was clear in her rejection of any initiative seeking this end. For this reason, he pointed out that there are clinics and entities that, despite their problems, will not be subject to closure, but rather intervention will be made to improve them. He explained that as he would do with the dividends, she would become a director.

The health reform proposed by President Gustavo Petro sank in the 7th Senate Committee – Credit Jesús Avilés/Infobae

Petro’s warning comes at a time when… The President expressed disappointment regarding some aspects of his government’s planAlthough he did not clearly define what he was referring to. However, he is determined to implement what he called his promises of change, the same ones he promoted in the election campaign, which led him to take first place in the country, so he did not hesitate to undertake another drastic adaptation.

Anything that goes on this path (the path of privatization) we collide and work. “What we can do is strengthen what we have in common,” stated Pietro, with what seemed to be drawing a red line against privatization, to the point, if you will, radical in his address towards those who expressed the need to reach a consensus between the proposal Executive power, which independent sectors can promote.

This new statement by the President could undermine the legislative intention to address a new article, this time with 47 points and not the 134 points that passed the two discussions in the House of Representatives. Time appears to be a factor against this goal, as the legislative session ends on June 20, and there will be no room for maneuver to achieve the required majority.

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