Monday, March 10, 2025

Halloween, the era of the pumpkin in 3 keys

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Halloween, the eve of Halloween, is celebrated in the United States on the night of October 31, but since the arrival of autumn, the pumpkin era has been imposed in New York and the rest of the country, in the middle is a festive orange-and-Christmas-like atmosphere.

In donuts, donuts, marinades, and even in beer, pumpkin—also known as squash, pepian, or oyama—is drowning in absolutely everything.

Shop windows, bars, restaurants and house fronts are decorated with all possible types and sizes of this mulberry garden along with countless ghost shapes, skeletons, spider webs and hell beasts in an environment in which pumpkin orange is the color that shines the most. Halloween stuff.

1) The legend of “Takario Jack”

The origin of the Halloween pumpkin goes back to an Irish legend about the story of Jack the Scrooge, who was disowned by Heaven because of his drunken character, a trickster and hell, after forcing the soul of the devil not to claim his soul, salvation in the darkness of the night by the light of a lamp he made from a large turnip he emptied inside him.

“But, in America, we grow good pumpkins, and pumpkins became part of that tradition, because we had a lot of Irish immigrants who came to this country and the jack-o’-lantern was adopted, but not a lot of turnips, but pumpkins,” explains Efe Vice President Historical Society of “The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze” alle de Hudson, Rob Schweitzer.

2) LA EXPOSICIN “The Great Fire of Jacques Ollantern”

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“The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze” refers to a traditional pumpkin with eyes, mouth and nose etched into its shell and a candle inside which is the main reason why these dates are stained orange.

It’s also the name of the “amazing exhibit of over 7,000 hand-carved jack-o’-lanterns,” Schweitzer says, before explaining, “This is the 17th year we’ve had this event that we started in 2005, and every year it’s even bigger.”

A half-hour walk between lights, music and shadows, the path is adorned with 1,500 natural carved pumpkins with various motifs, along with construction and work made with these fruits from the garden and 5,500 artificial pumpkins, allowing these vegetables to be shaped up to form shapes that contrast with the proportions of mother nature.

Here you can find skins carved with traditional faces, fish, ornaments of Celtic origin or tulips, even pumpkins that make up a Dutch windmill, the Statue of Liberty or balloon dog by Jeff Koons, and even pieces that imitate artwork such as Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait, “The Scream” by Edward Munch or “Nightawks” by Edward Hopper.

But the places where visitors enjoy the most are undoubtedly the Planetarium, a vaulted tunnel that changes color when hundreds of star-studded pumpkins are lit in unison, and of course in the areas dedicated to the legend of Sleepy Hollow, the headless knight immortalized by Washington Irving, the writer who lived He died in this American region.

“This wonderful place is in the wonderful area of ​​Sleepy Hollow, so Halloween is a great occasion in this area,” says Schweitzer, who notes that natural lanterns are constantly changing as their condition deteriorates.

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3) overall success

About 3,000 people flock each afternoon at sunset to this open-air gallery that has been set up on the grounds of a former manor house in the Hudson Township of Croton and will remain open until late fall.

Schweizer says they’ve reduced the number of visitors per day by 2,000, due to the pandemic, and that all tickets, which sell for $48, are sold out through November.

Its success led the Historical Society to set up a similar fair in Long Island County, east of the Big Apple.

“We loved it, it’s great, we’ve seen so many pieces you can’t believe they’re made of pumpkin,” says Nisa Varia, a New Yorker of Pakistani descent who came with her husband and two sons.

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