Monday, March 10, 2025

Health authorities in Southern California are concerned about a shortage of medical personnel | video | Vision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

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higher, because at the beginningNovember to dateThe number of hospitalizations forIt was caused by covid19Tripled in Los Angeles CountyAngels.Caesarean Hospital this weekSend a standing statementto their patients explaining howThe pandemic has changed livesFrom each in Paul’salways, inclhealth center that indicates itIn addition to combat casescovid19, you must fightfor increasing contractsof influenza and rs v inthrough effectmedical staff.Hospitals are workingto solve the problem anduntil implementedVirtual, extended consultingtheir service one’s presenceUtilities, one ofInform patients about the deficiencyof your services.How was your experience inhospital?>> Experiment inTerrible hospitals, why not?They make you feel like who you areWrong that you are there.There is not that typical conveniencebe in the hospital where he istrying to make you feelbetter.Nadia: Marco says thereattended the hospitalMental health care.He said he felt worse thanWhen he left home, becauseServices. declare that it does not haveAdequate rooms are not the samecleaning before. He says he is goingto cause a lot of peoplePatient avoid visiting the centerHealth and increased casesfrom covid19.They will be on the streets and they willTo affect more people.I think that’s what why we areThe numbers are increasing.Why would someone want it nowGo there or work thereambient?Request a statement fromPermanent Tsar and they said soYour health centercovid19, but this containsThe ability to serve more thanThe perfect way for your patients.When talking to another patientI told him I went to the hospitalWe give about a what happened to usFirst interviewed and introduced to usBig surprise.>> I had a good experienceFirst time here too.You might be there for an hourThey take care of meNow it comes again to meDate.Very fast.Maybe 30 minutes, I didn’t have that

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