Sunday, March 9, 2025

Health officially launches the vaccination campaign against influenza 2022: “We are expected to achieve coverage of more than 85%”

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Thursday afternoon, Health Minister Maria Begonia Yarzajointly with the Undersecretaries of the Ministry of Public Health, Cristobal Cuadrado, and Health Care Networks, Fernando Araus, officially started the Juan Pablo II Rural Health Center in Lampa, The National Influenza Vaccination Campaign 2022, Make a call so that all those who make up the target population – People over 75 years old, children 6 months to 11 years old and adults with chronic or serious illnesses – are vaccinated.

In 2020 we may have had the largest number of vaccinations in history: more than 100% of the target population were vaccinated, So we say that the experience of the pandemic can teach us that the vaccine is the wonderful tool,” said Minister Yarza.

Contrary to this figure, such a high proportion of influenza vaccination was not reached last year, so this year the goal is to surpass it.

In 2021, we had 75% coverage. I don’t want (the call) to be like every year, He added that the health team in this center does not want like every year: they want the best, that the experience of the epidemic makes us populate the prevention space with more force.

The appeal is that we vaccinate these vulnerable populations, because This year we will have trading not only Covid-19 and the Omicron variant that we have today, but also influenza trading,” handle.

Yes good He explained that there are few cases of accompaniment in the country, and it may be present“So what we need for people’s safety, for people’s care, is to invite them to get vaccinated.” The Covid and Influenza vaccines can be placed on the same day but in a different arm, He added, who also favors the vaccination process, where people can come for a day and be vaccinated against both viruses.

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The health authority added that health workers have already begun to vaccinate them, and so far more than 230,000 people have been vaccinated against influenza.

“We expect to be able to communicate in a way that gives us over 85% coverage, and with that, we provide protection,” pointed out. “The call to citizens, health agents, monitors, rural posts and health workers, is that we communicate this and convince those who still think it’s not necessary, it is absolutely necessary.”

Regarding the establishment of the National Epidemic Response Committee, which is one of the guidelines announced by the Ministry of Health last Monday as part of the new governance, Minister Yarza explained that they hope this week to hold the first meeting, She emphasized that in the team that will be formed there will be experts from various fields, including experts from fields such as social and economic.

“They will probably see familiar faces, even familiar faces from the previous government that participated in the government, Because what we think is that things like this vaccination campaign or facing an epidemic are a state issue.

“Then we have no problems with that, and as soon as possible, we will name people and make official contacts, but we have the greatest certainty that they are professionals of the highest level possible,” he added.

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