Friday, March 7, 2025

Hoopa Unleashed Elite Raid Guide

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Hoba unleashed appears in Pokemon GO to Elite RaidsIt will be held in select gyms around the world.

The Elite Raids They will bring a new level of combat to the game, so it is important that you are prepared. That is why in this article we are giving you a guide to Elite Raid From Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO.

what is it Elite Raids?

players Pokemon GO Now they can take it new challenge thanks to Elite Raids. This new raid difficulty follows the mechanics of previous difficulties, but with a more difficult boss.

These events occur when a Raid Egg appears, which takes 24 hours to hatch. From this will come the challenging boss, who this time is nothing but Hoba unleashed. Players will have less than 30 minutes to band together and defeat him.

You will not be able to use Remote Raid Passes to participate. The good news is that there will be plenty of Elite Raids throughout the Season of Light, starting this season.

Hoopa elite raids unleashed on Pokemon

The Elite Raid From Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO

For a limited time throughout October 16, players will have the opportunity to defeat Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO Within 30 minutes of hatching.

As mentioned before, this Elite Raid It will be more challenging than the previous ones, so you must be ready to face it Hoba unleashed. It is best to take the challenge with other players and focus on using attacks that counteract this powerful Legendary Pokémon.

Hoopa elite raids unleashed on Pokemon

weakness Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO

In the Pokémon series, it is necessary to know the strengths and weaknesses of a strong Pokémon in order to defeat it. and defeat Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO It’s no different, as you’ll need to counter it effectively if you want your attacks to damage it. If you are confused by the following concepts, take a look at the table of file types Pokemon GO.

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Hoba unleashed It is a psychic and dark type Pokémon, weak against the Bug and Fairy types. You will have to avoid using psychological attacks, as they will only have 24% effectiveness.

This is in contrast to Hoopa in its restricted form, where psychic and ghost, psychic attacks and poisons are 63% effective. However, the damage is less with the moves of the normal type (39%) and combat (24%) due to its immunity.

Hoopa elite raids unleashed on Pokemon

how to face Hoba unleashed On the Elite Raid

Based on the information above, we know that Bug and Fairy attacks will cause 256% and 160% damage to them respectively, so we will focus on these two types. It should be noted that if you have any Mega Evolutions or any other boosts available for the said Pokemon, you can use them to give yourself a greater advantage against Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO.

These are some of the Pokemon that you can use to emerge victorious from Elite Raid:

  • Mega Scizor: Cut Rage and Scissors X
  • Mega Pedrill: The Sting and the Scissors X
  • Mega Absol: Scream and Mega Horn
  • Fromosa: the sting and the buzz
  • Yanmiga: Sting and Buzz
  • Vikavolt: The sting and the scissors X
  • Bensir: The sting and the scissors X
  • Scyther: Cut the Rage and Buzz
  • Escavalier: Sting and Megahorn
  • Durant: The Sting and the Scissors X
  • Heracross: Stoicism and Megahorn
  • Scolipede: Sting and Megahorn
  • Genes: Cut Rage and Scissors X
  • Ninjask: Cut the Rage and the Buzz

movements Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO

Another point to keep in mind when confronting Hoba unleashed in Pokemon GO are their different movements.

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Legendary Pokemon will impress or confuse as a quick attack. This gives very powerful combos with his potentially charged moves, Shadow Ball, Psychic and Shadow Pulse. The latter will cause reduced damage to fairy types, while the rest will only cause regular damage (no complications) to bug types.

Your best option is to attack with Bug type attacks, or defend with a Fairy type in case you run into a Shadow Pulse. Anyway, a combination of Pokemon and super effective attacks will do the trick. Elite Raid easier.

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