Monday, March 10, 2025

Hospital de Clínicas: Argentine public health logo has been recognized as one of the best in the world

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The ranking highlighted the equipment and infrastructure of the clinics

the Argentine Public Health A new source of pride. Is this the Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín” set the same First among national general hospitals on HospiRanka reconnaissance which is held annually between Hospitals to latin america.

Clínicas has been singled out for being the best Equipped for advanced diagnostic imaging And Ranked second among all district hospitals, And the first among the audience, by winning Infrastructure 30 operating rooms for a variety of procedures.

Likewise, this health center was awarded first place in the category revealing the highest amounts basic surgical equipment, by having 31 surgical tables, 32 basic or advanced electric cautery, and 25 anesthesia machines.

In addition, the main hospital in University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine (UBA) It has emerged in categories such as: “Best Equipped for Initial Diagnosis,” “Best Equipped for Advanced Diagnostic Imaging,” and “For High-Risk Patients.”

Marcelo Melo, Director of Clinics, celebrated and praised the hospital’s “outstanding staff of professionals” / REUTERS / Agustín Marcarian

HospiRank is a survey conducted by Global Health Intelligence, a Latin American health market research firm. It was Clinicas’ first participation in this arrangement.

After this confession, infobae Talk to the doctor Marcelo Melo, Director of Clinicas de la Opa Hospital. “This participation is part of our goal of highlighting the great work that is done every day from our hospital to provide care and take care of the health of the people who come to it. This honor is an achievement for all health workers: doctors, nurses, biochemists and all non-teaching clinic staff.” The expert explained.

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He added: “We are proud to be recognized in HospiRank, the international ranking that brings together the best equipped hospitals in Latin America, including private and public entities from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Peru, among others, and which seeks to uncover opportunities for the sector” .

Clínicas has 30 operating rooms to handle all types of procedures

“In addition to our distinction in the above categories, we are the second best equipped general hospital for primary diagnosis (with 13 ultrasound machines, 10 X-ray machines, 9 colposcopes, 10 echocardiograms and 18 ECG machines) And we occupy the same place among the best equipped for high-risk patients,” noted the clinic director.

More than 10,000 people move around this hospital daily including patients, relatives, doctors, teachers, students and the rest of the staff. In addition, more than 360,000 medical consultations are performed annually, and over the same period, more than 8,000 surgeries are performed. It must be remembered that the institution also receives more than 1,500 UBA students studying in 30 chairs of medical sciences and 5 in pharmacy and biochemistry.

“These recognitions, like those of HospiRank, place us as one of the best general hospitals in the entire country. In addition to these categories that highlight our infrastructure, our team of professionals deserves distinction, one of the most recognized in Argentina, the research they carry out and the non-medical and non-medical team the entire educational system that makes this level of care possible,” Milo highlighted.

Hospitals from across Latin America participated in the survey

Other Argentine hospitals included in the survey were the general hospitals Garrahan, El Cruce, Dr. Julio Mendez Municipal Hospital; and private hospitals such as the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, the Argentine Swiss Maternity Hospital and Clinic, the Gomez Sanatorium, and the Austral Hospital.

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The ranking was based on data from HospiScope, the global database of Latin American hospitals that offers more than 140 specific data for each hospital and covers nearly 90% of hospitals in the region.

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