A green plant (description). – Pixie / Steve Poissin
A single exceptional price Plants. A Rapidophora tetrasperma, A rare type of houseplant, sold at auction for approximately 16,000 euros
New Zealand, Report CNN.
Also known as the Mini Monstera, the plant went on sale on the InternetAuction Realism Trade me. A week after the auction, prices soared in the last four minutes to reach NZ $ 27,100 or $ 19,000.
Obviously this is one thing #NewZealand.
“New Zealand # Houseplant In the online auction battle, 200 sells for 19,200 ” # Houseplantshttps://t.co/8IARqcZGjg– Jay Lynn Fraser (@ JLynnFraser1) June 14, 2021
A rare and colorful plant
The plant has received more than 248 offers after being viewed over 102,000 times, “which shows how big the Kiwis are. [les Néo-Zélandais] Trade Me spokeswoman Millie Sylvester said. “Houseplants have been the subject of ‘it’ for the past two years. We have seen prices rise. “
The Rapidophora tetrasperma A rare species found in white due to the original color of its leaves. From her
Thailand And Malaysia, refers to The Independent Provided by Stone slab. It should be kept in a bright and bright environment without direct sunlight and can reach a height of 3 meters.
“Typical beer advocate. Future teen idol. Unapologetic tv practitioner. Music trailblazer.”