Monday, March 10, 2025

How to free up iCloud storage when you’re low on space

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No matter what brand and manufacturer your mobile phone is, it’s a real headache when the classic warnings start popping up Your device is running out of storage space.

Now, speaking fully of iPhones, this topic can be made more complicated here, since Apple only offers 5GB of free space in iCloud. So, Unless you choose to pay to upgrade your iCloud account to a plan that gives you more spaceYou have to be creative in order to make as much storage as possible.

Fortunately for everyone involved, there are a few things you can do. To free up space in your iCloud account and keep your iPhone running smoothlySo pay attention because we will explain it to you in the following lines.

Delete unnecessary files

The first step to freeing up iCloud storage is to delete files you don’t need. This includes photos, videos, email messages, and other file types. This may take up space in your iCloud account.

An easy way to do this is to go to the app the pictures on iPhone and Delete photos and videos you no longer need. You can also go to the application mail And delete emails that no longer serve you.

Uninstall apps that you are not using

Apps often sync their settings to iCloud, as a backup, but also to make your life easier if you use the same app on another Apple device. However, one more thing that you should do is to delete those apps that you no longer use and that are no longer necessary, come on, You will definitely be amazed at all the space you can get to do this.

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Use the Optimize Storage option

The Optimize Storage option is File A useful feature that allows you to store your photos and videos in iCloud instead of on your iPhone. This helps you free up space on your iPhone and keep your photos and videos safe in iCloud. To enable this feature, go to the app sessionthen go to the pictures and choose Storage optimization.

Delete old backups

Old backups may also take up space in your iCloud account. If you have multiple backups of your iPhone stored in iCloud, you might like this Delete old copies to free up storage space.

To do this, enter the application sessionthen go to iCloudaccess the first tab that says Account space management and finally in Backups. the next, You will see the backups stored in your iCloud account. Then press the button Delete the backup To remove old backups from devices you no longer have.

Buy more iCloud storage

If you’ve tried all of these tips and still can’t free up enough iCloud storage, you might need to. You’re considering the option to purchase more iCloud storage. This will allow you to store more files in iCloud and keep your iPhone running smoothly.

To do this, go to the application sessionthen enter iCloudAt the moment Account space management And there click on the tab Upgrade to iCloud +. Select the plan that interests you the most and then click Expand To iCloud +. the prices? Good You can get 50GB for €0.99 per monthAnd 200 GB for 2.99 per month and 2 TB for 9.99 per month, too.

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