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One of the keys to getting a good WiFI connection at home is to check the density in different areas of the house, this will help you figure out where the problems are and implement solutions.
Fortunately, there are easy ways to test your signal strength at home and improve it if necessary. A process that requires taking different steps and aspects into consideration, but can be carried out without problems.
- Check the signal icon on your device:
The first step to checking your WiFi signal strength is to look at the network icon on your device.This icon found on most operating systems such as Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac usually consists of a series of bars that indicate the signal quality.
The more bars filled, the better the signal. However, this method only gives a general idea and does not give you detailed information about the signal strength in dBm (decibels per milliwatt).
- Using mobile phone applications to measure signal:
For a more accurate measurement, it is recommended to use specialized applications that allow you to analyze the WiFi signal in different parts of your home. Some of the most popular ones are WiFi Analyzer (available for Android) and AirPort Utility (for iPhone).These apps allow you to see the WiFi signal strength in every corner of your home, as well as identify potential interference from other networks or devices.
For example, WiFi Analyzer shows you the signal strength in real time and lets you walk around your home while watching the signal strength change in each room. Additionally, the app provides you with information about available WiFi channels and helps you determine if your neighbors’ signal is interfering with yours.
On the other hand, AirPort Utility allows you to activate a WiFi scanner on your iPhone or iPad to measure signal strength in dBm. Once the scanner is activated, the app will show you the available networks and their strength on a scale from -30 dBm (excellent signal) to -90 dBm (very weak signal).
- Create a WiFi map to identify vulnerabilities:
A very useful tool for understanding your WiFi coverage is to create a WiFi map or “heat map.”This type of map allows you to graphically visualize the areas of your home with the best or worst signal, which is essential for making decisions about the location of the router or the need to install repeaters.
Apps like WiFi Heatmap let you draw a basic layout of your home and then measure the WiFi signal in each room. As you walk around your home, the app will create a heat map showing where the signal is strongest and weakest. This will help you determine if your home office, for example, has poor coverage due to distance from the router or thick walls blocking the signal.
When using tools like WiFi Analyzer or WiFi Heatmap, you will come across various technical data that may seem confusing at first. One of the most important is dBm, which measures the strength of a WiFi signal. This value is given in negative numbers, with 0 dBm representing a perfect signal and values closer to -100 dBm indicating a very weak signal.
In general, A WiFi signal with a strength between -30dBm and -50dBm is considered excellent.Which means you can enjoy maximum speeds and optimal performance. The signal between -51dBm and -60dBm is still very good and suitable for most online activities.
but, If your signal is in the -71 dBm to -80 dBm range, you will likely have connection issues.especially if you’re trying to perform activities that require high bandwidth, such as HD streaming or video calls.
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