Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hubble data suggests ‘something strange’ is happening in the universe | Science and Ecology | Dr..

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The search for the expansion rate of the universe began in the 1920s with measurements made by astronomer Edwin B. Hubble and George Lemaitre. In 1998, this led to the discovery of “dark energy,” a mysterious driving force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe.

The discrepancy between the rates of expansion

In the last years, Thanks to Hubble data And with other telescopes, astronomers found another development: a discrepancy between the measured expansion rate in the local universe compared to independent observations just after the Big Bang, which predicted a different expansion value.

The reason for this discrepancy remains a mystery. But the Hubble data, which includes a variety of cosmic objects that act as distance markers, supports the idea that something strange is happening, possibly related to new physics.

“You get the most accurate measurement of the expansion rate of the universe from the gold standard for telescopes and cosmic tilt markers,” said Nobel Laureate Adam Rees of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and Jones University. Maryland.

“Hubble masterpiece”

Reiss is leading a scientific collaboration looking at the expansion rate of the universe called SHOES, which stands for Supernova, H0, for the dark state energy equation. “That’s what the Hubble Space Telescope was built for, using the best technology we know to do it,” Reese said. “This is probably Hubble’s masterpiece, because it would take another 30 years of Hubble’s life to double the size of this sample.” Declaration.

Article – Commodity By Riess Team, which will be published in the issue special focus from Astrophysical Journal, Indicates the completion of the largest and perhaps the last major update of Hubble’s constant.

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The new findings more than double the previous sample for cosmic distance markers. His team also reanalyzed all of the previous data, and now the full data set includes more than 1,000 Hubble orbits.

The expansion of the universe will be slower

The expansion rate of the universe was expected to be slower than what Hubble actually sees. Combining the cosmological standard model of the universe and measurements from the European Space Agency’s Planck mission (which observed the remaining cosmic microwave background 13.8 billion years ago), astronomers expect a lower value for the Hubble constant: 67.5 plus or minus 0.5 kilometers per second per megaparsec, compared to the team’s estimate SHOES OF 73.

Given Hubble’s large sample size, Reese said, there’s only a one-in-a-million chance for astronomers to be mistaken for unlucky clouds, a common threshold for taking a physics problem seriously.

This discovery reveals what has become a beautiful and elegant picture of the dynamic evolution of the universe. Astronomers can’t find an explanation for the disconnect between the rate of expansion of the local universe versus the early universe, but the answer could include additional universe physics.

FEW (Europa Press, NASA, Astrophysical Journal)

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