Monday, March 10, 2025

‘I am the result of discrimination’: Yalitza Aparicio recounted how she faced racism after ‘Rome’

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Yalitza Aparicio recounted what her life was like after a protagonist in Rome (Photo: EFE/Iván Mejía)
Yalitza Aparicio recounted what her life was like after a protagonist in Rome (Photo: EFE/Iván Mejía)

Years after the global success of the Mexican director’s latest film Alfonso Cuaronthe hero of the story Yalitza Aparicio Talk to the magazine she About how to live the whole process after being nominated for membership Oscar and the How did he deal with the racism that was manifested by the actors and other Mexicans.

The teacher also admitted this during a conversation with the Chilean actress Daniela Vega He was able to measure the impact of his presence and his nomination at the 2018 Awards.

“I was talking about it with Chilean actress Daniela Vega, when I met her she said to me: ‘It’s strange that when I was in Oscar They attacked me and beat me with everything. I arrived and the same thing happened. And it’s not because we’re new faces, because we’ve always been there, but we’re different from what they used to see,” said Aparicio.

The Roma champion recounted how she had to deal with racism after her appearance at the 2018 Oscars (Image: Instagram/@yalitzaapariciomtz)
The Roma champion recounted how she had to deal with racism after her appearance at the 2018 Oscars (Image: Instagram/@yalitzaapariciomtz)

This prompted him toFor the protagonist Rome He talked about the effect of the racism he received on him not only from other actors, but also from his own countrymen. this made Aparicio will be reluctant to open doors to new film projects.

However, the 27-year-old Oaxacan said those bad comments prompted her to create content that would inspire her followers.

I thought, “There can be no such discrimination and this rejection of ourselves.” I saw it in comments and criticism of me, for example. They asked me a lot if I wanted to continue in the cinema and I didn’t know because it was such anti-illusion bombardment. But a desire arose that we might be able to say: “Now everyone who comes late should not suffer from this,” as I said, the doors must open. I understand that I have a good platform to inspire others and I don’t want them to go through what I’ve been through‘ said the actress.

Aparicio was appointed UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in 2019 (Photo: Instagramyalitzaapariciomtz)
Aparicio was appointed UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in 2019 (Photo: Instagramyalitzaapariciomtz)

In addition to, She recounted the grief she faced after being appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador by UNESCO in 2019, because he did not feel adequately prepared because of the great responsibility involved in this situation.

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When UNESCO I just pushed myself and thought: “How am I going to be an indigenous ambassador if I don’t speak an indigenous language?, I am the result of myself This distinction is why I lost my tongue.. But they told me exactly: “You have dared to speak up and accept that you are the result of this discrimination.” This is why it is important to point out this, to prevent it from continuing to happen. It is this shared responsibility that I am talking about that opened the doors, it is the same struggle that is ultimately about respect and acceptance,” Muallem said.

According to the organization’s official website, Goodwill Ambassadors are personalities who put their reputation at the service of UNESCO’s ideals. They commit themselves for two years to educating world public opinion.

The actress suffered from racism by a Mexican actor (Photo: Quartoscuro)
The actress suffered from racism by a Mexican actor (Photo: Quartoscuro)

During the year Yalitza was appointed ambassador, in February, Mexican actor Sergio Guerre It was captured in a video clip during a family get-together where he was heard saying that the educator by training is not an actress and he even attacked her: “They set out to nominate an Indian pinch saying ‘Yes sir, no sir’?”.

In light of this, the actress responded to Goweri defending her roots and regretting that one of her compatriots used the word “Indian” in a derogatory way.

I’m proud to be a native Oaxacan and I apologize that there are people who don’t know the true meaning of the wordsThe actress responded in a statement.

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