Monday, March 10, 2025

I Career for Health Research was born in Córdoba

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Publishing and highlighting the importance of research and its application in the health field is one of the goals I am racing for health research in Cordoba To be held on June 18 in the city. The initiative, which was presented Thursday at the Córdoba City Council, has a journey Eight kilometers He will tour the city’s hospitals, both public and private.

The race that will be downhill, He will be leaving from San Juan de Dios Hospital, in the El Brillante district, and you will continue to La Arruzafa Hospital. From there, he will head to the Hospital de la Cruz Roja, to continue to the Health Center on Avenida del Aeropuerto and reach the facilities of the Hospital Quirón Salud Córdoba. At this point, the race will begin its final stage, as it will head from this hospital to the Reina Sofia Hospital to conclude in the facilities of the Biomedical Research Institute (Imibic), on Menéndez Bidal Street.

The seed of this idea arose in the year 2022 within Imibic. its scientific director, Paul Perezhe explained, “There was an inner work posing a challenge for workers to highlight investigation, promote healthy lifestyle habits, and encourage philanthropy.”

Thus, it was intended to cover the distance between the city of Cordoba, where Mamonides was born, and Israel, where he was buried. In total, it was about 5,000 km in any way. The initiative was supported by the majority of the center’s researchers, and 500 people participated in it. The distance was covered in just two days.

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Due to the success of this call, Perez continued, a “more ambitious challenge” was set, which is to cover the distance it would mean to travel around the world, that is, 40,000 kilometers. Well, Imibic researchers have gone around the world twice.

For all these reasons, he added, this open race emerged for the participation of all Córdoba “for the same goals: to bring the research closer to the community and to know what is done in the amibi”.

health research

The presentation was attended by the representative of health. Mary Jesus bottlewho highlighted the importance of this initiative and considered that by celebrating it “we all make Cordoba a benchmark in health”.

He pointed out that it is “a very important initiative because of the goal it seeks: to educate society about the importance of health research.”

That’s about it, too, Boutella added Bringing professionals who are dedicated to research closer to the community And that they are doing an “essential” job. In addition to recalling the research strategy implemented by the Ministry of Health, the delegate referred to a 20% increase in health indicators.

Dean of the University of Cordoba (UCO), Manuel Torralbowho considered the race to be “a good example of the emibic driving the research and health of the people of Cordoba”.

In his speech, he defended health care, private and public, because it is “wonderful”, in addition, he promised to take part in the race, albeit not running, but walking.

cordoba mayor, Jose Maria BellidoFor his part, he highlighted “our luck in Cordoba in the health field”. “You have to feel proud of what we have in the city, of the wonderful professionals, and of the health sector that has taken great care of us lately and this Our project is in the future with a city with excellent healthcare and researchDon is.

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Bellido stated that “this profession is trying to advertise the work of medical research,” while insisting on the importance of research “to improve patients’ quality of life and ensure that these diseases are regressed and cured.”

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