Monday, March 10, 2025

Increase the budget in health technologies

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Ministry of Health He confirmed that a partial amendment of the amount initially allocated to the maximum 2021 budget for the validity of health technologies was approved.

The entity indicated that this decision will allow the continuation of ensuring adequate and comprehensive care. of patients in EPS.

Director of Regulating Benefits, Costs and Rates at the Ministry of Health, Marcela Brune He indicated that these resources will be for the integrated management of associate health.

“It should be borne in mind that the global value that was initially determined, for the whole of 2021, was 5,056 billion pesos, and now it is being added, A first amendment to the same term with a value of more than 558 billion dollars., handle.

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He stressed that these funds will be distributed to 36 EPS and Compensation Obligated Entities (EOC) for the contribution and subsidized scheme.

“Resources to be transferred by the Public Security System Resource Manager “Social in Health (ADRES) for the respective insurers, including adjustments for transfer of subsidiaries”.

He noted that part of the resources will be provided by treasury.

“Value allocated to unfunded health technologies and services UPC in 2021, exceeds $5.6 billion, resources that have been arranged by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, to be transferred to insurance companies by ADRES,” he said.

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He said that as it happened on all accounts From the budget cap, the adjustment process depends on the report of information from the health sector, by EPS and other EOC.

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The quantity and quality of data are also taken into consideration; as well as managing a health technology or service provider or supplier, Regarding effective supply registration in the MIPRES platform“, He said.

He stressed that the procedures of the Ministry of Health will focus on working with EPS and their associations, to close the 2021 period, c.With information as of March 31, 2022.

“We continue to monitor and follow up on the information contained in the units Mipres instrument supply and billing, He noted the need for a new amendment at the end of the financial period.

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