Sunday, March 9, 2025

iOS | Android | Learn the trick to find the Recycle Bin on your cell phone | Mobile phones | Apple | iPhone | Applications | trick | Smartphone | technology | viral | nda | nnni | SPORTS-PLAY

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When you delete an item from your Windows PC, Mac, Linux, etc., these files are instantly moved to the Recycle Bin, where you can quickly restore them; However, what will happen if you accidentally delete an important photo, video or document that you have stored on your mobile phone? How do I get it back? Well, in the same way through the trash, a platform we will teach you to search the .

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specific devices the They show you the option to “undo” when you delete a file, but that button disappears within seconds and is not available forever when you want to restore what you just deleted, and that’s where the problems begin.

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It is important to clarify that no cell phones have a recycling bin as in computers or laptops, however, there are some applications that you have installed on your cell phone such as: “Gallery”, “Files”, “Text messages” , etc., if they have their own internal trash, here we’ll show you how to locate them.


mail and photos

This application has a folder that acts as a recycling bin, here all deleted emails or photos are stored for a maximum of 30 days, so if you regret an item, it is better to restore it immediately. You can find it next to the rest of the mail folders and in Photos, on the left side by pressing the “Deleted” section.

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Notes and voice memos

Enter any of the applications and perform the following gesture to restore everything that was deleted: Using three fingers, swipe left and right, just the opposite.


It’s easier here, just open the Files app and go to the Just Deleted section, just like Mail and Photos, here the deleted items will also stay for 30 days.


google browser

  • This method only works on Android 12, the Google operating system which has a recycle bin to save the last deleted files.
  • To do this, enter the “Settings” or “Settings” of the cell phone.
  • Locate and enter the “Storage” section.
  • Here you have to touch the “Trash” section.
  • Finally, find your file and get it back.

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