Monday, March 10, 2025

iPhone: functions that disappeared with the arrival of iOS 17 | cell phone | Apple | nnda | nnni | Play DEPOR

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iOS update in iPhone It is essential to ensure security, improve performance, and have access to the latest system features and functionality. Keeping your device on the latest version allows you to protect your privacy and keep your information secure and free from cyberattacks.

Thus, with the arrival of iOS 17, it is now possible to perform new actions on smartphones in a more comfortable way. However, these changes may not appeal to everyone, as old features have been removed.

As is known, Apple is constantly implementing more practical and organized tools, which is why items that are no longer very comfortable for users are removed. Here we are sharing what are these changes they shared from their dedicated YouTube account, TuAppleMundo.

Features on iPhone that no longer appear with iOS 17

Find out which items no longer appear after updating to the new version of iOS on your cell phone.

  • iOS 16 wallpapers were removed with the arrival of iOS 17. If you enter the Collections section of New Wallpaper on your iPhone, you will notice that the previous images for this new version no longer appear.
  • If you go to Settings and enter “Safari,” you will notice that there are some buildings that are no longer there, such as “Verify Apple Play,” “Privacy-protecting ad analysis,” and more. However, you can find these items in the “Advanced” section, which is located at the bottom of the screen.
  • The main “Shortcuts” screen in Automation no longer appears as it used to be, a new, more practical interface can be displayed. However, you will be able to go back to other settings in Personal Automation.
  • In the case of iMessage, the bar for quick access items such as the camera and other apps has been removed. Now, you will have to click on the ‘+’ symbol to access this content.
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For now, these are the most notable changes in iOS 17; However, applications such as Time, QR codes, screenshots or video playback have also undergone modifications.

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