Monday, March 10, 2025

Irma Vape, Vampire Mania | Television

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league Irma Vape (HBOMax) It’s the result of Olivier Assayas’ obsession with vampires. The French director had already made a feature film in 1996 with the same title which was in turn a personal tribute to the 1915 series The Silent. Vampiresby Louis Fouillad. Silent series, feature films and audio series allow its creator to blend times and techniques in presenting montage and cinema within the cinema without neglecting a certain point of compositional narcissism.

Alice Vikander Which could be Natalie Portman’s little sister due to her physique, decided to star in the series directed by Renee Duval, the alter ego of Assayas, played by Vincent McCain, an insecure and neurotic director who keeps his long quarrels with his psychiatrist between crises. and crises. And the heroine intervened in the project because she has a double conscience: a complicated emotional separation with her friend and her conscience for having starred in a hit movie, in which the fact that the stalls are full seems to contradict the quality. Meanwhile, the hero gets to know more and more about her role, although we don’t know if she’ll get to the point. Bella Lugosi buried in Dracula’s head By expressing the desire of the family.

Anyway, the eight seasons Irma Vape It is a clever reflection of cinema from the personal perspective of its creator, where action and thought, past and present, intertwine, without neglecting the ego of its maker. Of course, without this vanity point, so common in the arts, we could not have thought, for example, Las Meninas. one from the other

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