Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Issuing a yellow alert to health institutions across the country a few days before national holidays

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From Friday 21st to 7th August, MENSA declared all health institutions on yellow alert. Video: N channel

he Ministry of Health Decree proclaimed a Yellow alert In all health facilities nationwide. It was learned through Ministerial Resolution No. 695-2023 that the measure comes within the framework of the upcoming celebrations National holidays. The preventive measure is in effect from Thursday, July 20 to August 7 of this year.

The entity led by Minister Cesar Vázquez entrusted the publication, supervision and evaluation of this decree to the General Directorate of Disaster Risk Management and National Defense in Health, through the Directorates of Integrated Health Networks, the Provincial Health Directorates and the Provincial Health Departments.

The alert issued is a guarantee that Measures necessary for adequate and timely attention to health problems of the population, as mentioned in the “Declaration of Alerts in Emergencies and Disasters”.

In the same way, it seeks to protect the infrastructure and operation of health facilities in case of emergencies or disasters that may appear during the course of the operation July 28 celebrations This may affect all or part of the national territory.

Peruvians will take advantage of the Fiestas Patrias holidays to travel and participate in the various events scheduled on these celebration dates.

Likewise, it is guaranteed, depending on the dimensions and strength of the expected adverse event, as well as the degree of certainty and imminence of its occurrence, that a green, yellow or red alert be generated. The latter can only be used in the event of an unexpected unfavorable event.

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The letter was published on Friday in the publication of the Official Journal El Peruano and bears the signature of the Minister of Health, César Henry Vazquez Sánchez.

Cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of death for women worldwide. Peru ranks second, I reported Ministry of Health. That is why the highest health authority launched a “Do It Yourself” campaign last Thursday, which seeks to detect and prevent an increase in cases of this disease in the country.

The new National Program for the Free Prevention of Cervical Cancer plans to implement molecular tests to detect human papillomavirus, the number one cause of this disease.

The project is led by the Directorate of Cancer Prevention and Control (DPCAN) and collaborates with the Directorates of Integrated Health Networks (Diris), regional governments and the National Center for Strategic Resourcing (Cenares).

There are three free screening tests available in the country that allow us to detect and prevent cervical cancer in its early stages. Depending on the age, women are advised to have an exclusion test, which can be molecular detection of HPV, visual inspection with acetic acid or conventional cytology (Papanicolao), said Magali Sanchez, member of the technical team of the Mensa Cancer Prevention and Control Department, in El Peruano.

As detailed, the method is painless and easy to use, so the test can be done for the same patients between the ages of 30 and 49 with prior guidance. As mentioned, this is done with a swab, which must be inserted into the vagina and given a few turns. The sample is then left in a sealed vial.

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In 2021, Minsa implemented molecular testing in 3 regions: Lima, Junín and Loreto. However, in 2023, in order to further promote the prevention of cervical cancer, the launch continues in 12 more regions: Áncash, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Loreto, Piura, Ica, Tacna, San Martín.

The entity urges adult women to undergo a general and preventive examination in order to maintain their health.

This measure set by the central government Health workers must be aware of the possibility of accidents Which can bring with it huge celebrations like national holidays.

Because of the long holiday for Peru’s Independence Day, many families travel and perform various forms of celebrations. It is precisely the mass exodus, as well as the parties that can sometimes end in tragedies such as traffic accidents. This is why health facilities must be prepared and alert should these unfortunate events occur in greater numbers.

This measure has also been taken to charge other huge celebrations such as Easter or New Year’s parties.

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