Monday, March 10, 2025

Italian designer Pietro Ruffo shows in Mexico a reflection of the climate crisis

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This content was published on Jun 21, 2023 – 18:50

Guadalajara (Mexico), June 21 (EFE). – Italian designer Pietro Ruffo, known for his collaborations with the Dior brand, held an exhibition in Mexico reflecting on the climate crisis and the impact of humans on a degrading environment.

Opening the exhibition in Guadalajara, in the western part of the country, the artist said that the climate crisis and global warming are sometimes seen as mundane issues, so art is a good way to think about these issues.

“When talking about climate change, we might think it’s something ordinary, because we see it on TV, we see it on paper, but conveying it through culture and beauty can be a little different key,” he said during his presentation. The Garden of the Last Days.

The exhibition is located in the Museum of Art of Guadalajara and was implemented in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Mexico City, the Italian Institute of Culture in Los Angeles, as well as the LA Art Show and DIVERSEartLA.

Through interventions on canvas and video installations, Ruffo reviews migrations and the way humans have affected the scarcity of natural resources.

Gianni Vinchigera, director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Mexico, stressed that Ruffo showed interest in the mark left by man over time.

He explained that the exhibition acts as a kind of historical map in which the artist traces the eras of the planet and its transformations, especially in the past century.

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Ruffo is one of the most popular Italian artists today.

His pieces are part of the various collections of museums and private institutions such as the Musei Vaticani; Deutsche Bank; the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna; Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, among others.

The Garden of the Last Days will remain in Guadalajara until October 1 and then it will be at the Italian Institute of Culture in Mexico City. EFE

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