During his official visit to Puerto Rico, King Felipe VI of Spain He praised the way his kingdom conquered the Americas in the sixteenth century He emphasized that through it, cities were created and governments were established, as well as building the infrastructure that is still vital to the present-day Latin American countries.
The reason for the Spanish monarch’s trip coincided with the 500th anniversary of the founding of the city of San Juan de Puerto Rico and there he took the opportunity to point out that Spain allowed social equality with other kingdoms to gain access to the “new lands”, due to the fact that the conquistadors It brought with them the foundations of international law and the concept of human rights.
Concepts that, in his opinion, have contributed in an important way to the current formation of many nations and that They are the legacy of great academics, scholars and religious scholars who traveled from Europe to America.
The establishment of these cities implies the establishment of governmental institutions, the construction of universities, schools, hospitals, and printing presses. Spain brought with it its language, culture, and creed; With all this, it has contributed values and principles such as the foundations of international law or the concept of universal human rights.
Because of that common past, One of those values that Spain contributed to With the law in force today, we should all be proud, Puerto Ricans, Spaniards and the rest of the Hispanic peoples,” was highlighted during the ceremony led by the Mayor of San Juan de Puerto Rico, Miguel Robledo.
. added One’s greatest pride is to share an “extraordinarily rich” language. As with “Castilian” which grew with the continuous contribution of the peoples belonging to the Spanish crown and which are today independent nations.
Finally he confirmed that he hopes with San Juan as well as with other cities, Continuing to strengthen the bonds that united the American continent and the Caribbean islands with Spain for several centuries.
The statements of the Saudi monarch, undoubtedly, contradict what the president expressed Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)Who sent a letter to the Spanish King and Pope Francis with this I apologize to the indigenous peoples of Mexico For abuses committed during the Conquest and La Colonia period.
In 2019, the Mexican president posted, via social networks, a video explaining this in the country committed human rights violations, although at the time it was not conceived that way.
“I have sent a letter to the King of Spain and another to the Pope to report on grievances and apologize to indigenous peoples, for abuses, of what is now known as human rights”
However, days later, the government of the Iberian state responded and expressed its regret that the communication that had been published had been made public, and for this reason pThey refused the request “completely”.
Two years later, Pope Francis has apologized to Mexico for the “sins” of the Catholic Church in the regionAbout 200 years after independence. A situation that immediately caused many Spanish political actors to speak out on this issue, Defending Spain’s intervention in Mexican culture.
Therefore, the Vatican will explain that the document sent to the Mexican government refers to events that took place 200 years ago, Not to invade America. Urge them (indirectly) to read the letter carefully before making any statement.
“We’ve seen comments these days and believe they were made from a headline that was made without reading the document, and I would encourage you to read the document that It’s directed to Mexico as it celebrates 200 years of independence Outside of this context, the document is not understood, it refers to 200 years of independence,” the statement read.
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