Monday, March 10, 2025

Kissinger, a hawk disguised as a dove

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The cake that Henry Kissinger will cut on May 28th for his centenary birthday is poisoned cake. The reverence which a person, with perfect reasoning and an elementary sense of justice and human values, could feel before a centenarian, fades when he listens to the judgments that the Old Statesman of the Four Winds promulgates.

Receiving a journalist from The Economist who wanted his opinion on the volatile situation in Ukraine, he declared that “it is better that this country be in NATO where it cannot make national decisions on territorial claims”.

As the main argument for an untenable hypothesis, but one which depicts his character well, he said that this was the most feasible way of averting the discontent of the parties to the conflict, one of whom, he postulated offensively, was the Atlantic Alliance. In the same vein adding fuel to the fire, he quoted an envoy from the German media Die Zeit: “Before, I believed that Ukraine should remain neutral, like Finland. Today I fully support the admission of Ukraine to NATO.

There are those who believe that Kissinger’s performance career is due to his irrepressible vocation to emerge under the repercussions of current news. Others give him the benefit of what they consider a controversial performance but based on his supposed talents as a political visionary. They say that he deserves attention because of his long experience and putting on his head the sacred halo of the man who supposedly weakened the Cold War explosion, brought the United States and China closer to each other during his tenure as foreign minister between 1973 and 1977, and negotiated an end to his country’s occupation of Vietnam, And now, in the position of forgiving life, he considers it wrong to submit Putin to the International Criminal Court while he calls on Washington and Beijing to find a balance, yes, without giving up that “the United States defends its vital interests.”

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When he blew out candles in recent days at a party at a high-profile club in New York, he declared: “We must be stronger to resist any pressure.”

You must not miss the truth or memory. In an article published by the Mexican newspaper La Jornada, on the occasion of Kissinger’s centenary, analysts David Brooks and Jim Casson described him as “perhaps one of the darkest figures of the American superpower,” despite his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and adorned with an academic record at Harvard University, Because “he was also accused of masterminding crimes against humanity, coups d’état and illegal military operations all over the world.”

If the Paris Accords were signed on January 27, 1973, it is because Vietnam resisted and defeated aggression. Directed with sheer wisdom and firmness, Vietnamese public diplomacy and secrecy allowed no details or dalliances on the part of the United States to thwart the strategic goals of achieving full sovereignty and national unity. Together with Vietnam, the cities lined up and against it the White House, and Kissinger, of course, could do nothing. This lacked the decency of the Vietnamese leader Le Duc Thu, who resigned from the Nobel Peace Prize because after signing the war of aggression continued until April 1975.

In Latin America, his intervention in the Chilean case was notorious. He maneuvered to overthrow the popular unity government and its president, Salvador Allende, and its support for the infamous Augusto Pinochet’s military junta. In case there was any modesty in his performance, the US National Security Archive has just published transcripts of Kissinger’s meetings with the dictator. The politician replied to a member of his team, present at one of the secret meetings, who dared to suggest reprimanding the army to improve its image as a human rights violator: “We want to help him, not hurt him.” Go how he helped him, turning a blind eye to the plan to assassinate former Secretary of State Orlando Letelier in the United States. The falcon showed its fur in those days, justifying, as declassified documents prove, the oppressive methods of the dictatorships of the Southern Cone participating in Operation Condor.

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A hawk wanted to fly against Cuba in 1976, though he feathered his feathers a little earlier when advising Gerald Ford to try to come to terms with Havana, in order to apply the principles of the Monroe Doctrine with anesthesia. The international mission in Angola, a sovereign decision of the Cuban government and people, has gotten so out of hand that it has drawn up plans for a naval blockade and bombing of ports and economic targets.

said Reed Kalman Brody, a human rights expert recently, who denounced the make-up with which Kissinger intends to present himself to the world. Masir Mamoon, a Bengali professor, recalled how Kissinger encouraged genocide in that Asian region in 1971. “If not his hands, then his soul is stained with blood.”

Cover image: Courtesy of The Confidential

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