Monday, March 10, 2025

Lost wedding dress returns to owner in Southern California – NBC Los Angeles

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A California woman’s wedding dress got lost in the mail and disappeared in Texas, but thanks to the store owner Temecula, she got her precious souvenir back.

At Overstocked in Temecula, you can have just about anything on any day.

Store owner Veronika Romanenko said, “You’ll never find the same thing twice. It’s always a big scavenger hunt and you literally never know what you’re going to find.”

Romanenko buys containers full of filtered items from retailers like Walmart and Target. He then sells these items at incredibly low prices.

Most of the time, you don’t know what you are going to get. “There were times when we had customers find Movado laptops, tablets and watches,” Romanenko said.

Then came the moment when the shopkeeper found a wedding dress perfectly preserved in a box.

He didn’t realize it belonged to anyone, so he put it up for sale at a bargain price: $10.

“My friend told me, ‘Hey, that’s someone’s dress,'” Romanenko says. It has already been preserved. They took it to keep it, and I can tell there’s someone’s name down there.”

Name printed on the box: Jeslyn Webb-Lopez, married June 5, 2021.

Romanenko knew he had to find her. “Let me try Instagram, and being a woman, I did a lot of research and found it,” Romanenko said. He immediately sent a text message to Ghislaine.

And they said, ‘Hello, is your maiden name Webb?’ Did you miss your wedding dress? I didn’t know if it was a scam or if it was real because I didn’t know who it was,” said Jeslyn Webb-Lopez, the real owner of the dress.

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But then Lopez saw a screenshot of the wedding dress.

He said, “And I was like, Oh my God.” After her wedding, Lopez says, her mother sent the dress to a company in Texas that maintains it, but when they returned it via UPS, it never showed up.

And they said, ‘Well, that happens sometimes. Maybe someone put the wrong label on the label. “It basically got lost and I never thought I’d see my dress again,” Lopez said.

He was lost forever, until Romanenko sent him the letter that Lopez had just read on a very special occasion.

“The day I found out was June 4th, the day before my first anniversary,” Lopez said.

Lopez says that when she found out, she was wearing a bridesmaid dress at the wedding of one of her friends who were also part of her wedding procession.

next step? The return of Lopez’s wedding dress. Romanenko offered to mail it. “And I said, ‘Oh no, I’m not going to mail it back,'” she said. I will never risk losing my dress again.”

So, Lopez and her husband, Christo, walked all the way from their Bay Area home a six-hour drive to Temecula, where Romanenko gave her a wedding dress she thought she would never see again.

“Do the good things and the good things will come back to you, so it was a good time,” Romanenko said.

Lopez is not only grateful to Romanenko. She is also thankful that her precious souvenir was not sold cheap.

“Somehow no one bought the dress for $10,” Lopez said.

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She also said she originally paid “a lot more than $10” for her wedding dress.

This story was published on NBCLA, Telemundo 52’s sister network. To read the article in English you can go to the following Link.

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