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2,810 miles, or about 4,520 kilometers, and more than 40 hours of road travel across the entire country. That’s what separates the Mecca of cinema, Hollywood, from the place where some of its most interesting proposals of the past 25 years have been born, Ravenwood. No, it’s not a magic school, a secret government base, or a superhero hideout. It’s just a simple guy’s house where he lives with his family, trying to live a quiet life, be the best father he can, and, every now and then, make a movie. His name is M. Night ShyamalanAnd with his recent work, he has shown why he continues to be the most creative mind in an industry with fewer and fewer ideas.
“Living outside the (Hollywood) bubble makes me think differently, and I think the audience appreciates that. “We are not faced with a homogeneous idea,” Shyamalan explains in his interview with Spain information Passes through Madrid to the present time The traphis latest film. “My best friends aren’t in the industry, and I don’t date anyone from there. My kids aren’t with their kids at school, they’re with people outside of Hollywood. That can have a downside, because if a great script comes in, they don’t call me because I’m not at their school, or they’re not having dinner with me that night or I’m not on their mind in general. But at the same time, it keeps me active, and I think that’s what’s made a big difference in my career, and it keeps me going,” the director explains.
M. Night Shyamalan wasn’t always like this, but there was a time when he was first on the mind of any Hollywood producer. In the late ’90s, after a somewhat hesitant first foray into feature films with First Friends –But who had already laid some of the foundations for his future cinema and obsessions with death and family – Shyamalan became the modern director in Hollywood with The sixth senseThen I was chaining it. The reserve and Signsa clear re-reading of superhero cinema and science fiction by a new author who makes the final shifts or plot twists His password.
But what had until then been the source of his great wealth also ended up, in large part, his downfall. His next three films –forest, girl in the water Especially The incident– They didn’t convince the audience, let alone the critics, who seemed to get tired of their increasingly bizarre final twists. His lowest point came with two flops, The last airbender and after earth, Which forced the director to stop to think and change the path that took him away from Hollywood, which had loved him so much for years and which made him less than a broken toy.
This change took effect in 2015, when the product was contacted. Jason Blum From Blumhouse Productions, it’s back to pure, simple horror with Visitwhere he was finally able to unleash himself once again away from the pressures of the big studios. This fruitful collaboration will continue with Multiple (separate) and glass (glass), in which he regained his pulse, as he regained old characters and obsessions from the past. In his latest works, time Especially They knock on the doorShyamalan doesn’t seem to care much about celebrities anymore. plot twists, Although he insists it is something he did not take into account when writing.
“It’s like you’ve drawn pictures and someone has seen them and given their opinion, and you’ve had a conversation that you’re not even involved in. I’m not involved in that conversation, you (critics) keep talking, but I don’t see it that way at all. To see my films as very structured and calculated plots doesn’t suit me, and that’s not how I want to see them. The director says, “If that were the case, I’d go crazy.”
However, with The trap He makes his intentions clear from the start, with a trailer in which his “role” is already implied. The protagonist (Josh Hartnett) is a seemingly typical father who takes his teenage daughter to a pop star’s concert, unaware that the concert has its own character. Turn around:It’s a trap to hunt down a serial killer who is none other than himself. How to continue with a strong premise like the mix-up Silence of the Lambs At a Taylor Swift concert—that’s how he sold it to Warner—if you’ve already revealed this development? Shyamalan explains it quite simply in the world.
“For me, the moment when he realizes he’s the killer is the premise of the movie. What’s exciting is the point of view, being with him. Be him.. And for me there are still shocking things that he discovers and surprises himself with. So it’s very satisfying if I’m moving in that way. I’m a mystery and thriller writer by nature. That’s what I do, that my characters learn something too. For all of this to work, there’s another key element, which is banterDespite the tension of the moment and the mask the protagonist must wear in order to escape alive, neither the killer nor Shyamalan himself wastes the opportunity to use ironic or surreal moments to lighten the burden of the plot.
It all started in VisitWhen I let myself go and started enjoying the humor. In the industry they told me it wouldn’t work and it didn’t exist, comedy and darkness combined like that.. Because when you do that it stops being scary. But I didn’t see it that way and I don’t see it, it’s just that you have to be very precise, there’s a way to get a nervous laugh that reduces the tension and that’s what the character would be like in a situation like that. . in The trap The protagonist works this way, he’s a guy who likes to have fun when things get serious. Ultimately, it’s still as twisted as it is ridiculous that a serial killer is trapped at a pop star’s concert that he went to just to accompany his daughter.
If Shyamalan hadn’t become so cynical and able to portray the party in the purest style, Tour of the Ages Out of curiosity and not bias, because before he was a director he was a father. A very good and caring person for his daughters to the point that he produced their first film. Ishana Shyamalan As a manager (The guards) and is located in Salica As a main character in The trapWhich gave life to the concert singer and also testifies to her musical talent.”It’s not a 50-year-old man making a fantasy film so much as it’s a director father and a singer daughter making a work of art together. So there can’t be any irony on my part, because to me she’s a great artist.“Reasons, Shyamalan.
30,000 fans. 300 police officers. An inescapable killer and a director whose distance from the industry he works in has helped him continue to create some of the most original ideas in a world full of clichés, sequels, remakes and more. But Shyamalan wouldn’t be Shyamalan if he didn’t have a final touch ready for the occasion, and before wrapping up the interview he reveals the strange reason behind the name of his mansion, the hideout where this mysterious superhero works and for whom he worked. He also named his daughter’s character in The trap.Ravenwood comes from Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark It’s my favorite movie.Lawrence Kasdan wrote the screenplay for this film and named Marion Ravenwood—Karen Allen’s character—after her street. Ironically, Ravenwood was first a place, then a character, and now it’s back to being a place and becoming a character.
“Travel junkie. Coffee lover. Incurable social media evangelist. Zombie maven.”