Friday, October 18, 2024

Massa’s advisor predicted what his proposal would be in the field of health

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In the coming days, certainly after the second presidential debate on Sunday, October 8, the Minister of Economy and the candidate sergio massa, She plans to submit her proposals to the field health If he is elected president. Some of this was anticipated by one of the men advising him on this matter, the Senator Pablo Yedlin.

In an interview with the “Highest Bidder” program broadcast on AM 1420, Yadlin expressed his regret that health was not chosen as one of the topics of the presidential debates. Especially in the times we live in A certain crisis with the situation of private prepayment and social works.

“We will present the health proposals with Sergio Massa in the coming days,” predicted the senator, who is also a candidate for the position of national representative in these elections. In this regard, he emphasized that “the Argentine health system is one of the few in Latin America that has not undergone reforms in the last thirty years and is very similar to the way it started.”

Yadlin stated: He added: “Today we have a complex situation from which the overall economic situation cannot escape, and all relative prices are distorted due to inflation, and it is very difficult to find a solution if this problem is not fixed.”. He also stated that “consultations must be carried out (with professionals from both the public and private systems). Better pay“.

The health specialist explained that the entire system, not only in Argentina but also in the world, invests in technology and medicines. But he warned there was a problem. “Today in Argentina, depending on social work, they spend 30 or 40% of all their resources on medicines, which is shameful, and usually it should not exceed 20%, and this eats up the resources of the system to pay better wages to professionals.” This is one of the problems we face. “This also generates distortion among doctors about what they want to do.”

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Likewise, Yedlin distinguished between Massa’s proposal and that of the other candidates. Javier Miley And Patricia BullrichThose who threaten to abolish the Ministry of Health. “We believe that the fragmentation and fragmentation of the health system requires strong leadership and governance. We believe that the Social Security system should be integrated into the oversight body. We understand that the PMO should transition to a benefits cap system,” he explained. “We must have a national resource plan.” Human resources in health plan for ten years, and this is a state policy that does not depend on administration, because human resources in health require a lot of time.

“We have to build a more efficient system,” Yadlin insisted. He said, “Social work is carried out with contributions from employees and employers, but today the system of exclusive subscriptions is not sufficient to maintain it. “We will have to think about other sources of funding, for other non-health benefits, such as disability, disability education, transportation, all in a plan that we will present.”

“Excesses” and free interest in foreigners

Regarding the other topics on the media agenda to which Yadlin responded, they are the alleged ones Abuse of disability benefits and free care for foreigners in the Argentine public system.

“Disability coverage has increased, and we have to see how to take care of it and finance it,” the lawmaker said, warning that “high-cost treatments must be supervised by the state.”

On the other hand, Yadlin considered that free care for foreigners “is an issue that is usually placed on the agenda” but that it is “marginal to the health problem.”

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“No one expects rounds of foreigners who come to be serviced or operated without costs in our countries,” he said, but he also realizes that it happens. “Obviously the health system has to charge for these scheduled services and has no social security. Today, most of the country’s hospitals have the ability to collect from Social Security. He stressed that for those people who are not Argentine citizens, it is not difficult to establish a collection system for non-emergency illnesses.

In addition, he explained that in border areas there is a round-trip of reciprocity with neighboring countries in free care, but going forward “Argentina must work on a system of reciprocity so that Argentines also get care when they are in a neighboring country.” “

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