Monday, March 10, 2025

Masterchef Celebrity 2022, Live Streaming The New Season Premiere Of The Cooking Reality Show

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Masterchef Celebrity 2022 live

10:22 PM | Those responsible for qualifying taste will not be the rulers, but the five pioneers. In this way it turns out that the favorite team was blue and five eggs; The yellow team ends up with one egg and the red team ends up with four eggs.

10:18 PM | The first team to present is the yellow team led by Julio Camejo. Followed by the Lorena Herrera red, with roasted “breast rogetica”; And closes the blue López Gavito with the dish “México en la piel”, a rabbit with thin herbs.

10:09 PM | time is over! The preparation did not go further, the three teams would have to present their dishes to the judges. We have no idea who has been saved and who continues to fight for a place in reality.

9:50 PM | The cows enter the kitchen and the members start milking them for milk.

9:35 PM | Each team will have a tasting advisor, who will be one of the three judges. In addition, each squad will prepare a different protein: rabbit, chicken and pork, the three available.

To find out what protein each team gets, the captains must find a colored egg among the straws.

Preparation begins!

9:25 PM | Tonight’s teams have been determined:

Red team: Lorena Herrera, Alan Ibarra, Alejandra Fallos, Vernica del Castillo, Francesco Gaturno and Ricardo Peralta.

yellow team: Julio Camejo, Talina Fernandez, Margherita, Ernesto de Alessio, Pedro Moreno and Mauricio Mancera.

blue team: Arturo Lopez Gavito, Alejandra Toussaint, Carlos Eduardo Rico, Nadia Lopez, Carla Gascon and Macy Gonzalez.

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9:20 PM | Lorena Herrera became the first MasterChef Celebrity captain. She chooses Julio Kamijou as the item she’d like to work with…but her choice makes Kamijou the second captain.

The third leader, chosen by Julio Camejo, is Arturo López Gavito. We have the three captains of the red (Lorena), blue (López Gavito) and yellow (Julio Camejo).

9:13 PM | Carmen Campozano and Marcelo Lara They are the first couple to take to the balcony in this second edition of MasterChef Celebrity 2022. The first couple saved tonight!

9:00 PM | Pairs begin to pass one by one, in the following order: Pedro and Lorena; Julio Camejo and Lopez Gavitto; Margaret and Alan; Carmen and Marcelo. Talina and Vernica.

8:50 PM | time is over! It’s time to make the couples’ preparations for the first time at Masterchef Celebrity 2022. Only five duos will take to the balcony: who will they be?

8:35 PM | Tatiana asks the participants to pause their preparation and asks the items from the balcony to go down to the kitchen. Each person will choose with whom to cook the dish. Only one pair will go up to the balcony, while the rest of the pairs will go for the rescue challenge.

8:31 PM | Let’s cook! It’s time to prepare the first dish that will mark the first to be left out of the night. The participants preparing below are: Pedro Moreno, Alejandra Vallos, Carlos Eduardo Rico, Margarita, Mauricio Mancera, Arturo Lopez Gavito, Nadia Lopez, Vernica del Castillo and Carmen Campozano.

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8:30 PM | Alejandra Fallos agrees to exchange protein with Pedro Moreno, as the actor claims he is allergic to shellfish.

8:30 PM | The participants who remain below have to choose Jack-in-the-Box, which will determine their luck tonight. Each member raises the box and finds some ingredients that they will have to use to prepare a dish.

8:25 PM | First surprise of the night. Cups are distributed to all participants And those with cups of stuffed olives will be able to go up to the balcony, the rest will have to wait at the station for instructions.

8:17 PM | Let’s wear aprons! Tatiana gives the signal that, from now on, all celebrities will officially become contestants for the Masterchef Celebrity 2022. And only one will take on the task. One million pesos plus the trophy winner.

8:10 PM | The three chefs who will serve as judges are presented for this edition. it’s about Betty Vazquez, Jose Ramon Castillo and Pablo de Albuern.

8:00 pm | It’s time to enjoy a new season of Masterchef, now in Celebrity 2022. Tatiana is in charge of hosting 20 celebrities who will shine in this new edition.

A new season begins in Mexico’s most famous cuisine. Today, Sunday, August 21, new feelings begin celebrity masterchef 2022, In which 20 characters will strive to become the best chef in Mexico.

Hello and welcome to minute by minute Marca Claro. Today we will bring you all the details of the premiere of the movie reality programs

What time does MasterChef start today?

Masterchef Celebrity starts today Sunday August 21 at 8:00 pm (Central Mexico Time) by Azteca UNO.

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MasterChef Celebrity 2022 Members

  • Comedian Carlos Eduardo Rico
  • Singer Ernesto Di Alessio
  • Runner Maki Gonzalez
  • “Moderatto” member Marcelo Lara
  • Host, artist and actor Mauricio Mancera
  • Margarita, goddess of cumbia
  • Actress Alexandra Toussaint
  • Actor Pedro Moreno
  • YouTuber Ricardo Peralta
  • Magneto singer Alan Ibarra
  • Actress and model Carmen Campozano
  • Actress Sinaluan Lorena Herrera
  • Host and journalist Vernica del Castillo
  • Music producer Arturo Lopez Gavitto
  • Host and actress Talina Fernandez
  • Spanish actress Carla Sofa Gascon
  • Singer, broadcaster and composer Nadia Lopez Ayuso
  • Producer, singer-songwriter Alejandra Vallos
  • Cuban actor Julio Camejo
  • Cuban actor Francisco Gaturno

Who is the host of MasterChef Celebrity 2022?

Tatiana will host MasterChef Celebrity 2022. The Mexican actress, singer and presenter will be responsible for bringing a special flavor to the new season.

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