Meat lovers are clear: Humans should feed ourselves with a yes or a yes based on the animals. There is no other alternative. In this way, other points of view such as a vegetarian or vegan diet are eliminated. There is one argument that stands out above all: the fact that Meat was the key to human evolution. This is true. More will be missing. Thanks to the consumption of proteins, vitamins, and minerals from meat that early humans hunted, our growth was possible up to where we are today. The development of the brain, jaws, intestines and our entire body was greatly affected by eating meat in the past. This is evidenced by Scientific evidence. Good evidence of this is the human adaptation to meat consumption and its mechanisms of digestion and metabolism. There is no tutu here.
However, this does not justify the promotion of meat consumption today, at least in developed countries and in the context of our welfare state. Because yes, we are complaining about many everyday problems: our mobile battery runs out, our WiFi is stolen by the neighbor, Instagram goes down every two to three times. But The truth is that we live like God.
Generally speaking, we are not short of food we put in our mouths and have more than meets our daily energy needs. Of course, there are exceptions, but the bulk of the advanced population doesn’t have to worry about hare hunting to survive or sleeping by the light of a fire. By this we mean that although the consumption of meat was so Fundamental to human evolutionAnd the Does not mean In itself What is currently needed or mandatory in the diet. The line that separates the two concepts is very strong.
No need for meat
Today it is possible to follow an exclusively vegetarian diet and stay healthy. The wide range of vegetarian and vegan options in supermarkets makes it easy, although the shadow of ultra-processed products is still always in search of. Except for Vitamin B12 To be supplemented, the rest of the nutrients provided by meat and other foods of animal origin, such as fats, proteins, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc or phosphorous, can be completely replaced with plant food sources such as legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds and oils.
On the other hand, scientific evidence points to a place that bothers many: meat. Red and processed meat Aged sausage appears to be linked to a higher prevalence of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. That’s what he said a few years ago IARC . group Who is theand indexing red meat as a “possible carcinogen” and Processed meat as a ‘carcinogen’ Based on scientific evidence.
Processed meat increases the risk of various types of cancer
“Bologna is a carcinogen” or “We will die from eating a slice of chorizo” were some of the gruesome headlines that shook the news scene in those years, exaggerating and distorting the scientific message, making it almost me me. However, the message about meat consumption is this: Processed meat increases the risk of various types of cancer. This does not necessarily mean that you will get sick from eating sausage.
Does meat increase life expectancy?
Currently, the meat industry still has a significant weight in Spain. In fact, it is not uncommon to periodically encounter some headlines and press releases aimed at “washing the face” of certain types of meat. Some pro-meat associations and entities are guilty of this. The most recent “hit” in the meat consumption industry has been: Eating meat is not bad and contributes to an increase in life expectancy“. Of course, for sure. Handsome. It also makes you love your grandmother more and makes you the perfect son-in-law. To request not to stay.
In this sense, the level of scientific evidence or the degree of certainty shown by observational articles is rather low.
Surprisingly, this information published in the digital press is supported by a Scientific study Published in the magazine International Journal of General Medicine by researchers from Adelaide University in AustraliaAnd the which we can use to confirm these statements. it’s about Statistical analysis of 175 countries and regions Which, according to the study authors, covers almost 90% of the planet. However, this issue leaves us with many unknowns on the table. What type of meat consumption was analyzed? In what way is it measured? Were all the animals put in the same Noah’s Ark bag? There are many questions regarding meat. Let’s move on to solving each of them so you can sleep tonight, dear reader.
First of all, it is important to note that a single scientific study, no matter how valid it may be, will never provide us with the ultimate truth about a topic. And much less so in the realm of nutrition, where there is little real certainty. However, it is interesting to discuss the different aspects and conclusions that some scientific investigations can give us.
Red meat is the one with the highest saturated fat content, and therefore is more linked to cardiovascular disease
In this case, the scientific study we analyzed It is a cross-sectional observational study.. What does this mean? Well, the data is from specific populations at a specific time and is observed, and it is seen what happens. In this sense, the level of scientific evidence or the degree of certainty that observational articles provide is rather on the low side. This does not mean that we should completely despise them, but it does mean that we should understand their scientific quality. Therefore, an observational study of this nature would never be able to establish a cause and effect between meat consumption and a longer life expectancy. They simply limit themselves to saying that both variables seem to go hand in hand. But we don’t know why, or whether one really affects the other.
Regarding the type of meat analyzed, the researchers decided to include total meat consumption, which, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, is defined as “meat of animals used for food, which includes veal, veal, buffalo, lamb, goat, horse, chicken, geese and duck.” And turkeys and rabbits.” This does not allow us to draw too many conclusions, because each type of meat is a scientist. In general, red meat is those that contain High in saturated fat, and thus more closely related to cardiovascular problems. Some examples of red meat are beef, pork, or lamb. On the other hand, lean white meat like rabbit or chicken contains healthy fats.
Actual consumption of meat is not taken into account
Digging deeper, we see that the study’s conclusions focus excessively on the glorification of meat as being responsible for extending life expectancy in those countries or regions that consume more meat. However, there may be other reasons for this. For example, those countries that consume more meat have greater social and economic development, Thus better living conditions make it possible to live longer. Link meat consumption to life expectancy in this study working with such large statistical data It’s like finding a needle in a haystack. You have to spin very well.
The study authors concluded that countries with higher meat consumption had a higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality
The study authors concluded that countries with the highest consumption of meat had Extended life expectancy and reduced infant mortality. However, they also acknowledge that: “Dietary changes between countries involve many more variables than those implied in this study. Diet composition, food preparation methods, cultural dietary restrictions, availability of certain nutrients, and a host of other variables must be considered to obtain A complete picture of the importance of meat in the human diet.
Another key aspect is that the data took into account meat production in different countries, but Not the actual consumption of meat by people: “The food group variables included in this study should be the actual amounts consumed, not the amount served, as food waste was not taken into account during data collection.” A very important point to ignore.
On the other hand, the researchers themselves have stated in detail that “the availability of industrially produced meat can provide a solution for people who are morally opposed to the killing of animals”. They realize that well-planned plant-based diets, including plant-based diets, Nutritionally adequate and appropriate For different people at all stages of life. Although in the end they screw it up: “But that is only because its nutritional composition adequately imitates and replaces what is normally supplied from meat.”
In short, this scientific study falters in many respects. Does meat consumption increase life expectancy? likely, Just like the rest of the food They provide essential nutrients to our body. But highlighting this aspect as an exclusive benefit of meat is quite strange. It just goes to show that the nutrients that meat provides are essential for health, but let’s not forget that they can also be obtained from other food sources. No food is necessary, to please people who suffer from allergies or intolerances or who simply decide to limit their food intake for whatever reason.
“Beeraholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Evil web scholar. Zombie maven.”