Monday, March 10, 2025

Michael Bay recalls the tense production of Two Bad Cops

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Michael Bay He just released his new movie ‘Ambulance’In addition to being one of his best works, he revolutionized the way action movies were shot with his amazing use of FPV drones. But if we have something to thank for the return of the teacher, who doesn’t exactly utter the words, it is The number of pearls you drop during the promotion from the movie.

What will you do?

During an interview with the media Entertainment WeeklyMalak Behem recalled his experience of debuting in the feature film with still great today Rogue policemen. That wasn’t very nice, since California I bumped into Sony who didn’t believe in productionbasically, for having a cast headed by black actors.

“Sony didn’t believe in the movie, because two black actors don’t sell overseas. They didn’t have faith in it. I was watching James Cameron’s ‘True Lies,’ like, ‘Oh my God, this guy has so much money, I only have 9 million’ . “And they literally stopped me. Turn off the tap. That’s how disrespectful they are in this movie. Luckily, I’ve had 500 days of experience shooting videos and commercials and working with some of the most famous athletes in the world, and that’s how you really learn how to deal with assholes.”

But, as they say, hunger hones dexterity, and in the midst of a bumpy shootout full of pitfalls, It was one of the most famous shots in his movietransformed into a leitmotif and the author’s stamp: pivoting 360 on the cast.

‘I said, ‘Where’s the carousel?’ Bring the cart. “And we did this circular motion where they got up and it became a very popular shot. People are trying to imitate it, but it was a very important moment.”

The case of Michael Bay, who operates a large studio due to the race of his champions, is not unique. without going any further, Roland Emmerich had to fight with Fox to get Will Smith in that ‘independence Day’They even threaten to go to Universal if they don’t accept the actor. This is how he said it The Hollywood Reporter:

“Two Bad Cops literally changed the game for black actors. No, we don’t like Will Smith, it hasn’t been tested, and it doesn’t work in international markets,” the studio said. “

Dean Devlinthe film’s producer, added the following to Emmerich’s words.

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They said, ‘Get a black guy in that role and you’re going to kill the foreign box office. Our attitude was, ‘Okay, the movie is about aliens from space. It will be fine outside. “The war, Roland fought for Smith and in the end we won.”

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