A group of researchers shows how robots can build large structures.
term Robotalthough it is familiar to us every day in the technological sector, it still leads us Imagine inventions Created in the image and likeness of man. The Cinema has taught us the 35 most amazing robotsbut researchers around the world know that before you do Terminator, you have to do it Start laying the foundations for the robots of the future. Looks like they started the experiment from Massachusetts Robots that make robots.
MIT robots can build themselves. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The technology ahead: these are the robots capable of ‘automanufacture’
Recently, A.J The research team at MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms publishes in Nature Communications Engineering A study in which they moved in the right direction when it came to creating Assembly robotsefficiently and affordably, Almost any structure, whatever its size. We are talking about inventions that can escalate Even larger robotsindustry racing cars or building aircraft wings. To do this, the researchers showed that it is possible Use of assembly bots and sub-modulesin large numbers, able to move independently.
We are also talking about Robots with the ability to work independently and the ability to build themselvesalthough this last point will still require years of testing and studies. Neil GershenfeldProfessor at the Center for Bits and Atoms. it states which – which:
When you build these structures, you have to build intelligence within them. The idea that emerged was to use structural electronics, to manufacture pixels (the cubic unit that makes up a 3D object) that could transmit energy, data and force. There are no cables, just the chassis.
The bots that are being tested by researchers It consists of these pixelsthat could be used to improve the structure. that it This is where intelligence comes ingiven that there is a point at which it is reached structure It was so big that it was inactive. The The new system allows Bots should be aware of this limitation and be able to They decide it’s time to build a bigger version of themselves. The Prospectas mentioned by Aaron Baker, hmm Unlimited:
This study examines an important area of reconfigurable systems: how quickly a robotic workforce can be scaled up and used efficiently to assemble materials into a structure. This is the first work I’ve seen that attacks the problem from a radically new perspective, using robot parts to build a group of robots whose sizes are optimized to build a specific structure (and other robots) as quickly as possible.
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