After sweeping Japan and receiving good reviews abroad, Hayao Miyazaki confirmed that “The boy and the heron“It won’t be his last film.” In fact, according to the latest information, the director will already be working on his new project: “He thinks about this new project every day, and I can’t stop him anymore.“This new and successful film still stands,” commented Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki It is scheduled to premiere in Spain on October 27has released a new set of posters and a new trailer that, of course, confirms that it is one of the author’s most notable projects.
“The Boy and the Heron” received very good reviews during its run at festivals, and will soon be seen at the Sitges Festival as well.
The film shows the psychological growth of a teenage boy through his interactions with his friends and uncle.. ‘The boy and the heronExcerpted from a 1937 book of the same name, signed by Genzaburo Yoshino: “A young man named Mahito, who misses his mother, ventures into a world shared by the living and the dead. There, death ends and life is found. new beginning. Below you can take a look at the new posters for the film that were published in the French version.

In our country, ‘The boy and the heron“It premiered at the San Sebastán Festival, and received very good reviews.”and it will soon be possible to see it at the 56th Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival: “It is as sad a reflection as it is a strangely comforting one on the part of its author. If The Boy and the Heron does indeed end up being his last full-length, we will be able To say out loud that his farewell was triumphant,” commented Nando Salve in Newspaper. Enrique Alberto added, “With captivating beauty, it displays a precious value that does not abandon the roughness or pain inherent in any growth process and from which emerges an exciting spirituality, a work that exudes genius.” Cultural.
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