Monday, March 10, 2025

Mobile phones and services account for 5% of global GDP | Finance | Economie

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The Mobile World Congress (MWC) also paved the way for new studies in the sector, such as the Mobile Economy Report 2022 (The Mobile Economy), by the GSMA, an organization of Mobile operators and related companiesWhich showed global x-rays of the market and what are the forecasts for 2025.

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This is how the report explained that in 2021, Mobile technologies and services have generated $4.5 trillion in economic value A total that represents 5% of global GDP. As for the projections, the study determined that this figure for the sector will grow by more than $400,000 million by 2025 and will reach $5 trillion “as countries benefit from improvements in the productivity of mobile services.” Read in the report. .

As for the world’s mobile subscribers, the number was by the end of 2021 5.3 billion users, which represents 67% of the world’s population, according to a GSMA report. Thus it is expected that by 2025 there will be an increase in this line by 400 million new mobile subscribers, mostly from Asia and the Pacific and sub-Saharan Africa, which will register a total number of subscribers to 5700 million, which will represent 70% of the world’s population.

In a growing number of markets, the majority of adults now own a mobile phone, which means that future growth will come from younger populations using a mobile subscription for the first time.Report added.

mobile operators

In the Operators section, Mobile Economy 2022 identified companies facing a capital investment of More than 600 billion dollars worldwide between 2022 and 2025. This is how about 85% of the investment will be in 5G networks, as well as helping the mobile industry meet the commitment to bridging the digital divide.

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The new 5G wave

According to the report, 5G technology It has become “prevalent in many markets, particularly China, South Korea and the United States”. Significant progress is being made elsewhere, too.
According to 2021 data, “176 mobile operators in 70 markets around the world have launched commercial 5G services. This includes 68 carriers providing 5G FWA services.

Regarding the factors that drive 5G, the report made it clear that this was mainly marked with a economic recovery After the pandemic, due to increased sales of 5G phones, network coverage expansions, and general marketing efforts.

For example, Samsung revealed that it expects 5G smartphones to account for more than half of mobile phone sales in its portfolio by 2022. A new wave of 5G deployments in large markets with modest incomes (such as Brazil, Indonesia, and India) could spur mass production of devices Affordable 5G to serve low-income consumers. It could also lead to the development of new 5G applications for consumers and businesses in emerging markets.”The report explained.

How is Latin America?

At the regional level, Mobile Economy 2022 shows that in Latin America, the penetration of mobile subscribers was, in 2021, 69% and by 2025 this figure is expected to reach 73%. In smartphone adoption, percentage reported last year was 77% By 2025, this percentage is expected to reach 82%.

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Finally, in 2021, the dominant network in the region was 4G with a 61% share, followed by 3G with 29%, while 2G was only 9%. By 2025, it is expected to be only 3%.


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