Monday, March 10, 2025

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Video Reveals Carnation and Fortress

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Capcom Posted today Two new videos for sun breakwhich is the first major expansion of monster hunter height what or what Coming June 30th on PC and Nintendo Switch. In them we were able to take a first look at each other The most important DLC news, such as Garangolm, one of the new monsters in the expansion, and Bastin, the new area where download traffic will be concentrated. Both were shown with over two minutes of Play Comment on each video, and in addition to being able to see these updates, we were also able to learn new details and information about them.

First of all, Capcom has shown carnation In Action: It’s About One of the Three Lords whom we will have to chase Monster Hunter Rise: Sunset, along with Malzeno and Lunagaron, and features hard leather reinforced with stone scales. ‘The beast with a The body is characterized by its size and rigidity. Its secretions can fertilize plants, so it lives in symbiosis with the plants growing on its body. They also use these secretions for hardening of plants around him and enable his attacks with them,” says the description of the monster on Official Page.

This is the new Bastine area Monster Hunter Rise: Sunset

.’s second video Monster Hunter Rise: Sunset Shown by Capcom today exclusively focused on Bastine, which is a new area of ​​the map in which this expansion will take place. according to Official descriptionIt’s a new area centered around deserted ruins An ancient castle, “Although we will not only visit the ruins, there will also be other areas like Forest areas or frozen landscapesEach of them have their own animals.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunset It will arrive on June 30 on PC and Nintendo Switch, the only two platforms that the base game is currently available on. at Vandal you can read Our analysis From this acclaimed title, as well as the review our guide So as not to miss a single secret of the game.

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