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NBA: “LeBron is the best in history? If he passes Abdul-Jabbar, he will shut our mouths”

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29/08/2021 –

nOr is it a secret of the great goals? LeBron James is to end your NBA career when you achieve, almost unanimously, your recognition Best player ever. For many it really is, but others do not and still have the same opinion Michael Jordan, by a large majority, or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Among the real goats (the greatest of all time) are higher than the Lakers.

When asked about this global debate, a character who has as much of a voice in the current NBA as she is Shaquille O’Neal, he resigned to participate because of his relationship with those involved, but he did not hesitate to give an idea of ​​why, he said, The discussion will be settled immediately.

“I don’t like talking about this because I know everyone involved in the debate, but I think so LeBron has in mind to overtake Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA’s all-time leading scorer. And if he does, he will silence us all.”

In addition to their friendship, Shaq came to play with LeBron After being traded to Cleveland by the Phoenix Suns in 2009. The position was on hand to help James that year, but things didn’t go well for the Cavs.

“He’s a great player and a great friend. My first thought when I was traded with Cleveland was: Well, a ring for the king“.

Shaq is convinced that LeBron will eventually beat Karim in points scored in the NBA, and when that happens, the goats debate will end. Abdul-Jabbar finished his long career with 38,387 points and James is in third place just over 3,000 (35,367). Last year, with fewer games and injuries on the calendar, the Lakers scored 1,126 points, but in the regular season they can exceed 1,500 points. In other words, in another two years, Abdul-Jabbar’s throne will be history.

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It will have at least four episodes. He passed Kobe and Mike with points and now he’s going to Karim. If that doesn’t make him the greatest ever, I don’t know what the hell we’re talking about. It was always Mike or Kobe, now it’s LeBron.”

Of course if you are on your way to surpassing the legendary Lakers center Win another championshipArguments for his better declaration will always pile up and it will be difficult, almost impossible, to demolish this idea. If you extend your dominance for two more seasons, the controversy will be over.

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