Sunday, March 9, 2025

New Zealand: Jacinta Artern admits confrontation with China

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In a speech at the Economic Summit with China in Auckland, Ms. Artern already shares his country with Beijing. “Deep concerns“Democratic liberties in Hong Kong are about erosion and the treatment of Uyghur minorities in Xinjiang.

However, the center-left leader recalled that New Zealand was independent in foreign policy matters and was therefore free to choose whether to focus on these issues in public or in private talks with Chinese leaders.

He also agreed that China and New Zealand would never agree on certain issues.

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As China’s role in the world continues to grow, no one here will escape the fact that it will be very difficult to reconcile the differences (…) between our organizations.

This is a challenge that we and many other countries in the Indo-Pacific region, Europe and other regions face.“.

We have to recognize that there are some things that China and New Zealand do not have, that are unacceptable, that are unacceptable“, She said.”It should not change our relationships, it is a fact“.

New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaya Mahuda recently said he would not leave the Wellington Intelligence Alliance.Five eyes“(Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, USA, Canada), dictates its policy with its key trading partner.

A few months ago, Commerce Minister Damien O’Connor urged Australia to do more. “Respect“Towards Beijing, after the archipelago signed a strengthened free trade agreement with China.

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Tensions between Canberra and Beijing have been growing steadily since 2018, due to controversies over growing subjects ranging from 5G technology to spy charges, via Hong Kong or the origin of the corona virus.



Frederick Philox is the author of the L Express and author of Monday's note.Frederick Philox


Pierre Asouline, journalist, writer, member of the Academy Concord and columnist for the L Express.Bear Assouline


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