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Official Bulletin of the Argentine Republic – Health Services Monitoring

Must Read

Resolution 1799/2021

RESOL-2021-1799-APN-SSS #MS

City of Buenos Aires, 10/25/2021

SEEN EX-2018-15532454-APN-SRHYO #SSS, Law No. 27467, Decrees No. 1615 of December 23, 1996, No. 2098 of December 3, 2008, Amendments and Supplements, No. 2710 of December 28, 2012 No. 355 of May 22, 2017 and its amendment, Resolution The joint secretary of the former Cabinet Secretary and Administrative Coordination and the former Finance Secretary No. 27 and No. 12, respectively, dated February 14, 2013, Administrative Decision No. 388 dated March 16, 2018, Resolution No. 1486 of the Health Services Supervisory Authority registry dated September 19, 2019, and

Taking into account the:

That according to Law No. 27591 the general budget of the National Administration for the fiscal year 2021 was approved.

That by Decree No. 2098/2008, its amendments and appendices, the Sectoral Work Collective Agreement for Employees of the National Public Employment System (SINEP) was approved.

Article 5 of Decree No. 355/2017 states that “in the case of decentralized organizations with powers related to the management of their employees stipulated in the regulations of their establishment or in special regulations, they maintain this in the provisions of Articles 3, 4 and 8 of this decree. (.. .) “

That by Decree No. 2710/12, the organizational structure of the first operational level of health services control, a decentralized body operating in the orbit of the then Ministry of Health, was approved.

That by Resolution No. 23/13-exSGyCA, various positions have been approved in the designation of executive functions, among them, those corresponding to the sub-management of delegations for the management of delegations and the expression of members of the health system accredited to the General Department for the Supervision of Health Services at a weighting level II.

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That it is necessary to proceed to the temporary assignment of the posts corresponding to the post of Deputy Director of Authorizations, Administration of Authorizations and Expression of Members of the Health System of the Public Administration, Level A, Class 0 Second Executive Post, of this Supervisory Assembly of Health Services, a condition included in the maximum extent provided for in Chapter Ten of the Sectoral Work Collective Agreement for Employees of the National Public Employment System (SINEP) approved by Decree No. 2098/2008 and its supplementary amendments.

That in accordance with the provisions of Article 111 of the Sectoral Employment Collective Agreement for National Public Employment System Employees (SINEP) approved by Decree No. 2098/08, its amendments and appendices, the solutions provided under the grounds provided for in subsection a) of Article 108 – relating to the vacant position – may not exceed the period specified in Article 21 of the said collective bargaining agreement.

Because of the foregoing, it was necessary that from April 6, 2018 to July 22, 2019, the temporary appointment of posts corresponding to the post of Deputy Director of Delegates for Delegates and Detailed Management of Health Members The Health Services Supervision System of the Agent belonging to the Permanent Plant Level B, Class 7 was approved – Advanced Section – Doctor of Professional Group Gustavo Gabriel COCCIOLO (DNI N ° 20.341.188), for the National Public Employment System (SINEP), approved by the Sectoral Collective Work Agreement for Individuals approved by Decree No. 2098 of December 3, 2008, its amendments and appendices, in accordance with The provisions of Chapter X of the Collective Labor Agreement mentioned above.

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Covering the above job does not imply a waiver of an exceptional appeal.

The Department of Legal Affairs of the Health Services Supervision Authority has taken its jurisdiction.

That the requirements of Circular No. 4 of March 15, 2002 issued by the Legal and Technical Secretariat of the Presidency of the Nation have been fulfilled.

That this procedure is issued under the powers granted by Decree No. 1615 of December 23, 1996 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Decree No. 355 of May 22, 2017, as amended, and Decree No. 307 of May. 7, 2021.


Health Services Supervisor

decides the following:

Article 1 – Verification of the temporary assignment, effective from April 6, 2018 to July 22, 2019, for positions corresponding to the position of Deputy Director of Authorizations to administer authorizations and clarify members of the health system based on the General Directorate for Health Services Supervision, a decentralized body operating in the orbit of the Health Government Secretariat of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Level A, Grade 0, Executive Functional Level II, by Dr. Gustavo Gabriel Coccciolo (DNI N° 20,341,188), Reviewing Permanent Plant, Level B, Grade 8, Advanced Section, Sectoral Work Collective Agreement Professional Group for Employees The National Public Employment System (SINEP) approved by Decree No. 2098/08, as amended and appended, in accordance with the provisions of Title X of the Collective Labor Agreement mentioned above and for the reasons stated therein. Two of this scale.

Article 2. – Expenses required to comply with this document will be paid under the specified items of the budget of Jurisdiction 80, Entity 914 – Supervision of Health Services.

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Article 3. – Communicate, publish and desire the national address of the official registry and submit it in a timely manner.

Daniel Alejandro Lopez’s photo

NS. 10/27/2021 No. 81481/21 v. 10/27/2021

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