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Official GAZETTE of the Argentine Republic – Ministry of Health

Must Read

City of Buenos Aires, 25/04/2022

View File EX-2022-18066193-APN-DD #MS, Ministerial Resolutions No. 915 of September 13, 2004, No. 118 of February 2, 2009, No. 439 of April 12, 2011, No. 1653 of October 3, 2016, No. 1379 of August 13 2020, No. 32 of January 9, 2019 and No. 658 of April 12, 2019, and

Taking into account the:

That through Resolution No. 915 of September 13, 2004, the Community Medical Program was established in order to improve the quality of the first level of care in the public health system.

That by Resolution No. 118 of 2 February 2009, the Family Health Program was established, with the goal of creating multidisciplinary primary health care teams in jurisdictions, with responsible populations and permanent education in service.

That by Resolution No. 439 of April 12, 2011, modifications to the program were approved, in accordance with the strategic-programmatic guidelines defined in Annex I of the said resolution, and the program was renamed “Community Medical Program – Health Teams of the “First Level of Attention” .

That by Ministerial Resolution No. 1653 of October 3, 2016, the program guidelines were updated, its name changed, it was renamed “Community Teams – Universal Health Coverage” and various model agreements were approved for its implementation.

That through Resolution No. 1379 of August 13, 2020, the Model Amendment to the Agreement approved by Article 4 of the aforementioned Resolution No. 1653/2016 was approved.

It is through Resolutions No. The Family and Community Health Program (PSFYC) Guidelines were created and created on 32 on January 9, 2019 and 658 on April 12, 2019.

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That through Decree No. 50/2019 and its amendments, the organizational chart for the implementation of the central national administration up to the level of Undersecretary and its objectives has been approved.

Administrative Decision No. 457/2020 approved the organizational structure at the time for the first and second operational levels of this ministry, which was amended with a similar number No. 384/2021.

That as defined in the administrative decisions specified in the previous paragraph, the primary responsibility of the National Directorate of Primary Care and Community Health is to develop projects that address community health, promote healthy lifestyles, and promote multi-sectoral, family and family work. Community responsibility to improve health conditions and promote primary health care in local health systems as a priority for disease prevention and health promotion, respecting cultural uniqueness.

In turn, the National Directorate for Primary Care and Community Health is responsible for coordinating family health, which, among other actions, must coordinate agreements and actions aimed at promoting health strategies with regional, municipal and city jurisdictions. Autonomous Buenos Aires.

Given the diversity of regulations that have been approved over time, that have not been adapted to current situations and in order to generate legal certainty, it is necessary to deregulate all of the above programs.

That in accordance with its primary responsibility and in order to promote the coordinated and integrated implementation of public policies in the field of primary health care, it is also necessary to establish the National Community Health Program, in order to promote a model of care that improves the quality of management and care at the first level of care.

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That the above program seeks to accompany the knowledge gained in the face of new primary care in a post-pandemic era, following the challenges faced by COVID-19.

That in this framework, and given that health teams at the first level of care are currently conducting activities in the territory of each of the jurisdictions, it is necessary that the present come into effect retroactively when it is underwritten.

The Agency for the Integration of Health and Primary Care Systems and the General Secretariat for Health Equality have taken the intervention of their powers.

The General Directorate of Programming and Budgetary Control and the General Directorate of Legal Affairs have interfered with their powers.

That this procedure be issued within the framework of the powers granted by the Ministries Law No. 22520 and its amendments and appendices.


Minister of Health

decides the following:

Article 1.- Ministerial Resolutions No. 915 of September 13, 2004, No. 118 of February 2, 2009, No. 439 of April 12, 2011, No. 1653 of October 3, 2016, No. 1379 of August 13, 2020, No. 32 of January 9, 2019 and No. 658 of April 12, 2019, like any other current regulation of the Family and Community Health Program and the Community Teams Program – Universal Health Coverage, without prejudice to the obligations contained in the course of implementation within the framework of the agreements signed before the entry into force of this measure.

Article 2. – The National Community Health Program has been established, which will operate within the orbit of the National Directorate of Primary Care and Community Health of the Primary Care and Systems Integration Authority, and submit reports to the Equality in Health Secretariat.

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ARTICLE 3. The Strategic Guidelines that will govern the guidelines emanating from the program created in the preceding Article are approved, and Annex I (IF-2022-35847848-APN-SES#MS) forms an integral part of this Resolution.

Article – commodity. 4º. – Approval of the Agreement Form to be signed between this Ministry and the body responsible for the judicial health system of each of the provinces or municipalities, as well as their respective Annexes, which as Annex 2 (IF-2022-36785073- APN- SES # MS) is an integral part of this the scale.

Article 5.- This measure has retroactive effect from 1 April 2022.

Article 6º. Expenditures required by the program established under Article 2 of the present, shall be treated with the appropriation for the budget line Program 39- Activity 43.

ARTICLE 7. – Communicate, publish and give national direction to the official record and file.

Carla Visette

Note: The appendix(s) comprising this resolution have been published in the online version of BORA

And. 04/27/2022 No. 27626/22 v. 27/04/2022

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