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Official GAZETTE of the Argentine Republic – Ministry of Health

Must Read

City of Buenos Aires, 27/04/2022

See File EX-2022-41013779-APN-DD#MS, Law No. 17102, Regulatory Decree No. 8248 of December 23, 1968, Decree No. 598 of April 20, 1987, Decree No. 815 of June 13, 1989, Decree No. 219 of March 30 2017 and Ministerial Resolution No. 63 of February 4, 2020 and

Taking into account the:

This Law No. 17102 authorizes the National Executive to establish “Comprehensive Medical Care Services for the Community” in accordance with the purpose and other specifications set forth in the said Law.

That the above regulations provide, in their Article 4, that Comprehensive Community Medical Care Services (SAMIC) shall be constituted on a conditional basis for an initial period of not more than three (3) years, once that trial period has elapsed. , the national executive will resolve the legal requirement that ultimately corresponds to its attribution.

Under this, on April 9, 1987, an agreement was signed between the former Minister of Health and Social Action and the then Municipal Director of the City of Buenos Aires, through which the entity of the SAMIC Children’s Hospital “Professor Dr.. JUAN P. GARRAHAN” was created, within the framework of National Law No. 17102 and its organizational decree, approved by Decree No. 598/1987.

This Decree No. 815/1989 approved the agreement signed on April 7, 1989, according to which Samic Children’s Hospital “Professor Dr. JUAN P.GARRAHAN” and its statutes are approved.

That by Decree No. 219/2017, a new agreement was approved signed between the nation state, the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, under the first clause of which it was approved to increase the participation of the state budget. National jurisdiction to eighty percent (80%) and reduced jurisdictional participation of the Autonomous Air City of Buenos to twenty percent (20%), in order to counter the support of the entity Samic Children’s Hospital “Professor Dr. Juan B. Gran”.

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Likewise, in the second paragraph of the Agreement mentioned in the foregoing footnote, the Parties declare that the Board of Directors will consist of five (5) members, with the City to participate with one member, and, accordingly, the remaining participation will be merged with the members of LA NACIÓN.

That by Article 3 of Resolution No. RS-2020-63-APN-MS, Dr. Guillermo Pedro GONZALEZ PRIETO (DNI No. 12605388) has been appointed for a period of two (2) years as the representative of this Ministry to integrate the members of the Board of Directors of Samic Children’s Hospital “Prof. Dr. JUAN P.GARRAHAN”, which establishes the aforementioned professional will exercise the presidency of the Board of Directors as of the publication of the said law (B.0 No. 5234/2020 dated February 5, 2020).

that in Article 4 of the aforementioned Resolution, Dr. Annalia Luisa Stasi (DNI No. 22,133,743) has been appointed for a period of two (2) years, as the representative of this Ministry for the incorporation of the Board of Directors of the entity SAMIC PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL “Professor Dr. Juan B. Gran”, As of the publication of the aforementioned law (B.0 No. 5234/2020 dated February 5, 2020).

That Dr. Guillermo Pedro GONZALEZ PRIETO (DNI No. 12,605,388) and Dr. Analía Luisa STASI (DNI No. 22,133,743) have submitted their resignations to the positions to which they were appointed pursuant to Ministerial Resolution No. RS- 2020-63-APN – Member of the Board of Directors of Samic Children’s Hospital “Prof. Dr. Juan B. Gran”.

That it is necessary to accept the resignations submitted and to validate the actions of Dr. Guillermo Pedro González Prieto (DNI No. 12605388) as the representative of the Ministry of Health of the Nation in the exercise of the Chairmanship of the Entity Board of the SAMIC Pediatric Hospital “Professor Dr. JUAN P. GARRAHAN”, and Dr. Analía Luisa STASI (DNI N° 22.133.743) as a representative of the Ministry of Health at SAMIC Children’s Hospital “Professor Dr. Juan P. Gran”.

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That the background of Maria Gabriella Tozzuroni (DNI No. 30,947,215) has been assessed, who has the professional training, suitability requirements and experience necessary for the position of Representative of this Ministry on the Board of Directors of the SAMIC Pediatric Entity Hospital “Professor Dr. Juan P. Gran”.

The Secretariat for Quality in Health started to enter its competence.

The General Directorate of Legal Affairs has taken the appropriate intervention.

That this procedure be issued in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 17102 and the provisions of the two decrees No. 8248/1968 and 219/2017.


Minister of Health

decides the following:

ARTICLE 1 ° – Acceptance, as of May 1, 2022, of the resignation submitted by Dr. Guillermo Pedro Gonzalez Prieto (DNI No. 12605388) as a representative of the Ministry of Health of the Nation on the Board of Directors of the entity SAMIC PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL “Professor Dr. Juan P. Gran”.

ARTICLE 2. – Acceptance, effective May 1, 2022, of the resignation submitted by Dr. Annalia Luisa Stasi (DNI No. 22.133.743), as a representative of the Ministry of the Nation’s Health on the Board of Directors of the entity SAMIC Children’s Hospital “Prof. Dr. Juan B. Gran “.

ARTICLE 3. – The officer and the resigned official are thanked for the valuable services rendered by them in the performance of their positions.

ARTICLE 4.- Validation of the action taken by Dr. Guillermo Pedro Gonzalez Prieto (DNI No. 12605388), from February 5, 2022 to May 1, 2022 inclusive, as a representative of the Ministry of Health of the Nation in the exercise of the Presidency of the Republic. Board of Directors of SAMIC Children’s Hospital “Prof. Dr. JUAN P. GARRAHAN”, and Dr. Analía Luisa STASI (DNI N° 22.133.743) as the representative of the Ministry of Health at SAMIC Children’s Hospital “Prof. Dr. Juan P. Gran”.

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ARTICLE 5. – Maria Gabriela Tozzoroni (DNI No. 30.947.215) has been appointed for a period of two (2) years, as the representative of the National Ministry of Health for the merger of the Board of Directors of the SAMIC Children’s Hospital entity “Professor Dr. Juan B. Gran”, with effect from May 2, 2022 .

ARTICLE 6.- The expenses required to comply with this procedure will be covered by the items specified in the current budget of the jurisdiction 80.

Article 7 ° – Communication, publication and submission of the national address to the official registry. The file is complete.

Carla Visette

And. 04/28/2022 No. 28402/22 Edition. 04/28/2022

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