Monday, March 10, 2025

One health center in Castello has been without an elevator for weeks

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One health center in Castello has been without an elevator for weeksManolo Nebot

The Illes Columbretes Health Center is one of the largest health centers in Spain CastilloHe carries weeks without elevator with the inconvenience this failure causes to patients. “I had an operation on my knee, they have to remove the stitches, but I can’t go up and down the stairs,” says a woman who denounced the situation in this health facility several weeks ago.


Said this patient from Castellón.

From the health department of Castellón they made it clear Due to recent heavy rains, water damaged the elevator’s internal circuits at the Illes Columbretes Health Center. “Since the first day, repair work has been carried out, but the technical service, outside the Health Department, does not locate the fault and does not offer us a solution,” according to these same sources.

Alternative: Use an elevator connected to the health center

For this reason, the Sanitary Services has contacted the Castelló City Council to be able to use the second elevator in the building which is located in the neighborhood association building. They indicated from the health field that the use of this requires some work of access and communication between the two dependencies, “that is why we continue to contact the municipal services to be able to create this solution path.”

Elevator malfunctions in Castello health centers are not a new problem. A few months ago, it was reported that one of these devices is not working in the Jaume I Specialist Center, located in Huertos Sogueros Square in the capital, La Plana. As reported by Mediterráneo, a walled woman died last December in these facilities when she came down a flight of stairs.

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