Monday, March 10, 2025

Paleontologists have discovered the giant skull of a terrifying Jurassic carnivore called the T. rex of the ocean

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The recent discovery of A Almost intact skull Of the pliosaur in Dorset coast, EnglandIt caused a great stir in the scientific community. The discovery, made on the slopes of an area known for its rich fossils, provides a unique look at these majestic Jurassic sea creatures that dominated the oceans about 150 million years ago.

Paleontologist Steve Etches, who was involved in excavating the fossil, highlighted in an interview with the magazine BBC It is rare to find such a complete specimen, with the lower jaw and upper skull still fitted together as in life. This level of The preservation is exceptionalSince most previously found pliosaur fossils are missing several pieces or have significant deformities.

The size of the pliosaur's skull Exceeds the height of an average humanand her 130 long and sharp teeth, give an idea of ​​the size of this prehistoric beast. These teeth were equipped with fine ridges Deadly tools To pierce and tear the flesh of their prey. The nature and arrangement of the teeth indicate that the pliosaur was adapted to rapid and deadly attacks, confirming its role as a predator in the Jurassic seas.

Pliosaurs represent one of the most impressive families of marine reptiles of the Mesozoic era, distinguished by their large size, powerful bodies, short necks, and large heads with powerful jaws. These formidable hunters, who They can reach 12 meters in length They had fin-like limbs for rapid propulsion, and they dominated marine ecosystems in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The diet of pliosaurs was diverse, including Fish, squid and other marine reptilesIts extinction, which occurred approximately 66 million years ago, coincided with the disappearance of non-bird dinosaurs.

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On the other hand, the Jurassic Coast of Dorset, where this impressive fossil was found, is a site of great value to palaeontologists. It has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCOThis area is home to a rich and diverse collection of fossils dating back to different geological periods, especially the Jurassic period. Continuous erosion has exposed layers of rock containing fossils of marine reptiles, ammonites, and dinosaurs, turning them into A distinctive destination for researchers and paleontology enthusiasts. In addition, the area attracts tourists and nature lovers who marvel at the opportunity to explore the geological history of the Earth and discover its secrets hidden in the rocks.

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