As reported, the agreement will contribute to the development of inclusive, equitable and high-quality education programmes, while promoting better opportunities for Nicaraguans.
The chairperson of the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Iris Montenegro, emphasized that with the approval of the aforementioned agreement, one of the goals of the Sandinista executive to provide free and high-quality education throughout the country, in all forms of study, is being strengthened.
The deputy referred to other agreements signed in recent years with Turkey, including those related to trade, economic and agricultural cooperation. And also in the Air Service to enhance interconnection, among others.
For her part, the head of the Committee on Education, Culture, Sports and Information, Angela Espinosa, stressed that the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Managua and Istanbul contribute to the development of the National Plan to Combat Poverty and Human Development 2022-2026.
The deputies also expressed their solidarity with the people and government of Turkey after the devastation caused by the powerful earthquakes that left more than 40,000 victims and huge material damage.
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