announced by common, One of the most famous great fishing company in Mexico, Pewter is the color of the year 2023. Yes, that distinctive turquoise blue we saw in our grandmothers’ pots when we were kids, will rule the creative industries in the coming year from fashion, through design, to interior design. It seems difficult to use indoorsEven worse, combine it with other colors that are just as cool, but look great with certain colors—some of which are on-trend—.
pewter cool color, Bright and unsaturated, so he was born to be the protagonist of any color palette. Keep these factors in mind as you incorporate them into your home, because depending on the materials and colors you’ll combine them with, you’ll get environments with very different personalities. For example, if you use dark colors, it will be a cool and sober room, but if you use light colors, you will have something more relaxing and bright.
Here are some options that will definitely help you a lot. Incorporate the color of the year into any room in your home Need an extra component.
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pewter + green
For Trendo, Quetzal green is the shade of 2022, and the fact is that this color has been trending for quite some time, especially in bright, saturated tones. The easiest way to achieve this color palette is to Pewter-colored walls, furniture and plants, but it works well if you include other items in that color. In addition, it is ideal for rooms with natural styles, as it is reminiscent of the earth color palette.
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pewter + yellow
Perhaps the most powerful couple in influence and joy. Since both colors are clear and bright, and although they do not conflict with each other, the best thing to do if you want to apply this combination is to choose one color for a medium or large-sized main piece, and another for a small piece. eulogy. In this way you will prevent your eyes from suffering from fatigue due to excessive saturation.
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pewter + brown
this mixture The easiest to achieveSince it is very common to have wooden furniture – preferably in almond or dark shades – pewter can be used on walls, decorative objects, and textiles. The best room for applying this color combination is the bathroom, where it will give a touch of freshness; room, to give a feeling of welcome; s Kitchenthrough which you will get the element of surprise, Take advantage of the fact that wooden kitchens are on trend.
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