Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pokémon GO Community Day: dates, gifts and special Pokémon

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Pokémon GO Community Day will be celebrated in December with special events. (@Pokémongoap)

The year 2023 will conclude with the global celebration of Pokemon GO Community DayIt is a popular event that will bring together thousands of trainers and all the horses that were very popular during all the meetings that took place niantic, Platform development company, implemented this year.

Which means that for a few hours Pokemon will appear more frequently Wild state There will be a greater chance of finding A Glossy versionWhich is characterized by the presence of A different color or noticeable difference from its normal version.

In this case, the celebration will last two days and will take place afterwards Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th From December.

Pokémon can be captured using Double XP and Stardust. (@Pokémongoap)

Many Pokémon GO will be activated Special rewards During the two days, though it will have time limits, depending on each country’s local time, so you should check the app.

that’s it Bonus Which will be available:

– Double XP for capturing Pokemon.

-Double Star Dust to capture Pokemon.

– Half the hatching distance when placing eggs in incubators during the event.

– Double candy to catch Pokemon.

– Double the chance for Trainers level 31 and above to get Candy++ when catching Pokemon.

– Lure units activated during the event will last for three hours.

– Incense (excluding Daily Adventure Incense) activated during the event will last for three hours.

– Additional private exchanges are possible, up to a maximum of two per day.

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– Trades made during the event will require 50% less Stardust.

You can participate in field research and obtain a private research log. (@Pokémongoap)

In addition, it will include Special details how Temporary investigation, Field research And the possibility of obtaining a Special investigation story 1 US dollar or its equivalent in local currency.

You can also get Themed stickers And participate in it Bookstop Showrooms During the weekend of the event.

The annual Pokémon GO event will bring more shiny wild Pokémon on December 16 and 17. (@Pokémongoap)

There will be a different Pokémon appearing on each day of the encounter, which may appear wild, in raids or hatching eggs.

Featured Pokemon for Saturday, December 16:


– Galarian Slowpoke




-The Nation of Islam

Featured Pokemon for Sunday, December 17th

– Poliwag


– Baldia Whopper





for more details, Saturday 16 December It will feature Pokemon such as Slowpoke, Togetic And Chespinamong other things.

Pokémon like Charmander and Squirtle will be available in the last 10 minutes of each event hour. (@Pokémongoap)

During the The last ten minutes Every hour on Saturday and Sunday, Trainers will have the opportunity to encounter the following Pokémon:


– Squirtle

– Marib



Pokemon that will appear in 1 star raids During the event they are:


-Alolan Sandshrew*

– Alola Geodude*

– Hoppip*


– Galarian Zigzag*

– ball*





– Things*

The next Pokemon will hatch from it 2 km eggs:

– sand

-Alolan Sandshrew

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– Alola Geodude

– Hoppip


– Galarian squirmed


• Starly

• Rognrola

• Litwick

• Dino

• Things

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