Monday, March 10, 2025

Pokémon Scarlet and Purple Chesnaught introduces a new seven-star tirade

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The next Pokemon to arrive has already been announced with the new seven-star tyrida in Pokemon Scarlet and Purple. In this new temporary event, coaches will be able to take pictures Chestnuta Grass/Fighting-type Pokémon introduced in the sixth generation of Pokémon, with the Pokémon X and Y games.

Chesnaught is the ultimate evolution of queladin. Its appearance is a mix between a giant hedgehog and an armadillo. This is a beginner pokemon Callos It is not found “normally” in Baldia, it will only be available (thanks, My secret) to be taken during the weekends, more specifically from May 12-15 and May 19-22.

Of course, it will also have a special Rock Teratype and different moves that are yet to be detailed. In previous games, Roll was the only Rock-type move that all Chespin evolutions could learn naturally. This suggests that maybe Chesnaught could learn moves like Avalanche or Rock Edge.

So far, the Kalos initials featured in Scarlet and Purple are GrinevWater-type Pokemon. This makes one think so AlfinkenDelphox’s final evolution, it could be the next Pokémon to arrive in Paldea.

Pokémon scarlet and purple

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