Monday, March 10, 2025

Psyche, the “$10 trillion asteroid” is not what we think it is

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NASA is preparing to send a mission to Psyche, an object 226 kilometers across and containing at least 12 trillion kilograms of metals, such as iron, nickel and gold. It is traditionally referred to as a larger asteroid in the debris belt between Jupiter and Mars, but new analysis supports its possible nature. The soul is the essence of the planets.

NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) analyzed data from Psyche’s surface in detail. As a telescope flying above the Earth’s lower atmosphere, its infrared instruments were able to collect data on the reflection of different wavelengths from the object.

Psyche does not emit a spectral signature known as the 10-micron plateau. This characteristic indicates that the surface of the space object is not spongy or does not contain some type of regolith. On the contrary, spectroscopy indicates that the radiation is reflected in the same way as metallic objects.

The Psyche mission will reach the nucleus in 2026 to put an end to uncertainty (Image: NASA)

The soul could be a nucleus, but scientists do not know what it is

Unlike most asteroids, which are mainly composed of rock with a small amount of metal, Psyche, 226 kilometers across and spherical in shape, is made almost entirely of metal. In the solar system, there are only a number of structures with similar proportions and compositions: the cores of the Earth, the Moon, Mars and Mercury.

For NASA, Psyche may be the result of a planetary differentiation process, in which heavier material sinks toward the center and forms a dense, glowing core. One theory about its origin suggests that it came from a planet the size of Mars that lost its outer layers billions of years ago due to meteorite impacts. Another hypothesis suggests that it is the nucleus of a young planet, a kind of “planetary embryo” that never formed.

Researchers admit that they have reached the limit of knowledge of the possible nucleus. Observations from Earth cannot say anything else about the object of concern. Therefore, NASA’s next step is to send a probe into orbit and conduct further studies. The Psyche mission is scheduled to launch in October 2023.

The mission’s first goal is to confirm and characterize Psyche’s magnetic field, which will then be analyzed for several months to obtain an accurate map of its terrain. The gravitational field and chemical composition will also be studied using gamma ray spectroscopy. A detailed study of Psyche will allow scientists to investigate theories about planetary evolution and better understand the Earth’s core.

One of the first calculations made on this space object was to estimate its economic value. The researchers determined that if all of this metal could be transported to Earth, it would be worth at least $10 trillion. The price is several times higher than the total current global economy.

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