Monday, March 10, 2025

Public Health announces influenza vaccination points

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The Ministry of Public Health through the gate VaccinationThis Tuesday, I mentioned the points that are enabled for the application Influenza vaccine.

Inside the vaccination sites are CAASD Office, Alcántara & González Medical Centers, Independencia Norte, Vista Del Jardín, Dr. Soto Cruz and Diagnostic Physician Cediah.

Likewise, the Institute of Cardiology and Diabetes, as well as the Fusadi dispensaries, Divina Providencia José de Calasanz, Octaviano Leroux and the dispensary located in the Ministry of Agriculture.

They will also be vaccinated against influenza at the Mana del Cielo nursing home and at the Marilac Girls’ Charitable Home.

As in the primary care units (Unap) in El Caliche, La Agustinita, Los Girasoles, Pedro Mir, La Isabela and Los Peralejos.

Santo Socorro Centres, Salvador b.

In addition to the office of the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (Intec), the Center for Immunization and Vaccines (Invac), the dispensary of the National Institute of Traffic and Road Transport (Intrant) and the University of Pedro Henríquez Ureña (Unphu).

The centers will operate from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Vaccination at these vaccination centers is free of charge.

For today, the Ministry of Public Health has more than 450 thousand vaccines, which have priority For those over 65And People with chronic diseasesAnd Children aged six to 23 months and pregnant women.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. In the Dominican Republic, the virus is recorded between November and February.

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