Monday, March 10, 2025

Public health workers stop 48 students for better salaries in Rio Negro

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Health workers in Rio Negro demand better salaries.  Archive photo of Marcelo Ochoa
Rio Negro health workers demand salary improvements. Photo: Marcelo Ochoa Archive.

members Rio Negro Association of Public Health (ASPOR) Performance this Wednesday and Thursday a A 48-hour strike with mobilizations in that county’s hospitals to demand better salaries and reject deductions of up to $40,000 In the origins of the hospital residents.

The union denounced the “freeze under Pandemic Plus Decree; poorly paid reclassification; precarious salary guidelines; vacation debt; staff shortages and salary increases beyond the family basket,” among other demands.

As reported, from the union they are rejecting salary agreements with the State Workers’ Association (ATE) and the Union of Civil Servants of the Nation (UPCN), under the Rio Negro public jobs schedule.

In this context , The union denounced that these offers are “crumbs in black because of supplemental salaries and behind inflation.”

In a note received on November 7 in the Ministry of Health and addressed to the head of that portfolio, Fabian Zughaib, of Aspor, they reported that cuts had been made to “salary grants to residents of the territory”, for no apparent reason “$30,000 and $40,000”.

In the same note, they explained that Claims were submitted through the corresponding administrative channels, “there are three-month reductions, without any official response.”

The union holds “responsibility for the public health crisis in Rio Negro, Governor Arabella Carreras, Minister of Health Fabian Zughaib, Head of the Economic Portfolio Luis Weisberg, Minister of Government Rodrigo Buteler and Minister of Labor Jorge Stobelo.”

“Overtime has become a necessity for the worker,” said union secretary Marissa Albano.

Likewise, he explained that the government committed within minutes to hold a joint meeting with the public health sector in Rio Negro “which has not yet materialized.”

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The protest is reportedly taking place with strikes, rallies and mobilizations in the governorate’s hospitals “except for emergency care”.

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