Sunday, March 9, 2025

Puerto Rico: Condemnation of the attack on the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador

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The head of the Mexican Ministry of Health, Julio Morente Pérez, said: “We strongly condemn the violent attack committed against the Mexican embassy in Ecuador and the assault on the officials of that embassy by Ecuadorian repressive forces and on the orders of Ecuadorian President Daniel Novoa.” .

He warned that such arbitrary action that occurred on Friday violates the most basic principles of respect between states, as stipulated in current international law.

“It was a blatant and unacceptable act of crime,” the Puerto Rican leftist leader said in remarks sent to Prensa Latina in San Juan.

Morente Pérez expressed “our concern for the safety and life of former Ecuadorian President Jorge Glas, who has taken refuge in the Mexican embassy since last December, and who was kidnapped by repressive Ecuadorian forces after violently storming the Mexican embassy.”

For the ministry's leadership, “Daniel Novoa has become an international criminal, like the Zionist state of Israel, which a few days ago attacked and destroyed the Iranian embassy in Syria, killing many people.”

“We see how international law, which is supposed to guarantee coexistence among all of humanity, is being violated with unprecedented impunity,” Morente Pérez noted.

He stressed that this situation is repeated “in the United Nations Security Council, in the International Court of Justice, and in brutal attacks such as the one of which the Mexican embassy in Ecuador was a victim.”

The Prime Minister called unanimously and with all our energies to reject the alleged license that some governments, such as Ecuador and others, claim for themselves to impose their will violently and shamelessly.

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