Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Riot Games didn’t dare add it to League of Legends and now the creators of Dota have stolen the idea: Valve continues to learn from its big competitors – League of Legends

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Dota 2’s latest update was huge and added a scrapped LoL item.

Although there have been more bloody showdowns throughout the history of video games, this cannot be denied league of legends And Dota 2 They are starring in one of the most interesting rivalries of our time. Two very interesting games They start from the same situation as in Warcraft 3 And that they did not hesitate to look to each other to evolve. There’s nothing wrong with learning from the competition, because that makes both titles better. However, there has always been an enduring accusation that Riot Games “copied” the original Dota. Status changed now.

The biggest update in Dota history is learning from League of Legends

valve foot The biggest update in Dota 2 history. A patch that, of course, adds an infinite number of local items. However, this new version of the Valve video game also includes some of the traditional League of Legends features. The game map has become 40% larger. To make room for items that look familiar to fans Riot Games. Now, for example, comes the Lotus Fountain. These sources grant fruits that characters can eat to restore health and mana, Similar to the honey plants found in lol.

in general, The League of Legends factory system has been reimagined for Dota 2 They have also added trapdoors in each of the bases that only the defending team can pass through. These items, yes, it has Many original touches. For example, going back to the fruit, here it can be grouped to increase its volume and get better effects when we eat it. However, the one that caught our attention the most was the one that isn’t in the Riot Games video game for a very simple reason: The developers did not dare to add it Because it imposed much greater changes.

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Dota 2 added a trapdoor at each base that can only be used by the defending team

Dota 2 has it now Twin Gates, a system similar to Hextech Portals From League of Legends. The difference between how these items work in both games is where they are located on the map. Whereas in a Riot Games title these items have limited tactical weight (except for battles for Dragon or Baron) here they become a staple of strategy. What they do is Move the heroes from the lower corner of the corridor to the upper corner of the corridor. Something like if in LoL there was a “teleportation” between bedrooms on every side street.

Although not widely known, the entry This change was on the table at the start of the twelfth season From League of Legends. grits riotone of the developers beloved by the League of Legends community, has confirmed that there is A version of Hextech’s portals that move from one cavity to another. It was in the company’s first auditions, but was ultimately canceled because “it was definitely too much”. In fact, the company thought of adding it to the April Fools’ game mode, but they didn’t dare even in those circumstances.

The new Dota 2 map with its two portals. The big rock near them is the spawning area of ​​Roshan.

The problem is that making a change in these properties requires Dare to modify the game on a much deeper level. The change made to Dota 2 to be able to introduce these chaotic portals is very profound. Roshan, the equivalent of Baron Nashor, will now appear in two areas of the map at the same time and both are located next to each of the entrances to this spaceport. In addition, several areas of interest have been added in the vicinity of the Rushan Crater. Significantly, the aforementioned map size is enlarged by 40% Just to be able to make this change.

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Part of the charm of League of Legends is that it’s simpler. However, this situation with some Technical limitations inherited from its inception in 2009 That makes big changes more difficult, it keeps Riot Games from moving forward with changes that have amazing potential. It seems that they are not yet encouraged to ‘think outside the box’. and changed some game elements that seemed immune to the passage of time. For example, a developer is considering rendering Different minions for each line for the next season. I don’t believe in rivalries, however It’s nice to see how one game learns from the otherEspecially since this method will get better.

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