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Salman Rushdie’s agent said that the writer lost one of his eyes and moved his hand after the attack

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On August 12, the author of The Satanic Verses was stabbed in New York while giving a lecture.

Writer Salman Rushdiethat was We were stabbed to death on August 12 In New York during a conference, he lost one of his eyes and the movement of one of his hands as a result of the attack. This is confirmed by literary agent Andrew Wylie, nicknamed “The Jackal” for his ruthless way of representing some of the world’s best writers and his ruthless way of managing the rights that represent him.

Willie spoke at the Frankfurt Book Fair, as part of representing the interests of writer Salman Rushdie and his latest work, City of Victory, revealing for the first time how the author left after the brutal attack.

“His wounds were deep, he lost his sight in one eye, he was stabbed, he sustained three serious neck injuries and lost the ability to move in one hand due to sever nerves from the stab wounds. He sustained 15 more injuries.. on the back and torso,” Agent Willie explained during An interview he gave to El País newspaper, in which he did not hesitate to classify the event as a “brutal attack”.

Willy clarified in this context that for security reasons he could not reveal whether the author was still in the hospital or where he was. According to the agent, despite the seriousness of the injuries and their consequences, “Rushdie will survive.”

Writer Salman Rushdie is transferred on an emergency stretcher to a helicopter.
Writer Salman Rushdie is transferred on an emergency stretcher to a helicopter.

The Frankfurt Book Fair has also been an area of ​​Rushdie’s appreciation these days and many authors have spoken out and sent their solidarity with the author. His friend writer Ian McEwan confirmed in an interview that its writer Satanic Verses It will not “scare” the attack.

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“This horrific attack on my dear friend Salman represents an attack on freedom of thought and expression,” McEwan said in a statement posted on his official website.

Rushdie, 75, had been sentenced to death since 1989 when Iran’s then spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa ordering Muslims to kill him.

This decree was the response to the novel Satanic Verses This angered Islamic extremists, who considered it blasphemy for mocking the Prophet Muhammad and his religious beliefs.

The writer moved to New York in the early 2000s and became an American citizen in 2016. Despite constant threats to his life, he has been seen in public and often without seemingly being held.

On August 12, he was about to give a lecture at the Chautauqua Institute, which organizes cultural events in his namesake town in western New York, when 24-year-old Hadi Matar attacked and managed to beat him. Several stab wounds until security men and onlookers dropped him. Since then, the author has been hospitalized and subsequently recovered.

Source: Telam

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