Saturday, September 28, 2024


The key to always remembering the important things

Taking care of our health is essential at any stage of life, and not only physical healthon condition Memory is an equally important part As we get older however, just as we can strengthen our muscles and get fit,...

Strong objections before discussion

The uncertainty of citizens before announcing that they wanted to remove an EPS image by Hamilton Viana Viana on Pixabay On Thursday, April 13, the Congress of the...

The key to always remembering the important things

Taking care of our health is essential at any stage of life, and not only physical healthon condition Memory is an equally important part As we get older however, just as we can strengthen our muscles and get fit,...

FAO and Cuba discuss the One Health project (+ photo)

The Technical Mission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) explained that the accompaniment of the Government of Cuba aims to advance the One Health project. According to the FAO Specialist in Plant Protection and Risk...

What is the total amount? Solve this math puzzle in just 8 seconds

Test your skills with this mathematical puzzle that has caused more than one user a "headache". Can you solve it in record time? Are you really mental capacities Are they such a genius? So...

The popular homemade ingredient capable of leaving tile joints flawless – Enséñame de Ciencia

Get rid of these complications in a simple and effective way. When cleaning tile floors or walls, one of the most complex problems is the whitewashing of their joints, which, as our readers know, correspond to the separation remaining between...

We thought it was extinct, but this beautiful cloudy leopard has reappeared after more than 30 years without knowing anything about it

Not one of these tigers has been seen in their natural habitat since 1983, but in 2019 the miracle happened.Join the conversationThere are many unexplored areas on the planet, although humans are within their reach The most advanced technologyThey...

“At the ProClinic Group we firmly believe in promoting oral health responsibly”

Manuel Alfonso, CEO, Inc Brooklinic Groupspoke with Corresponsables about the scope of his company's ESG plan, incorporating innovation into its operations and its commitment to oral health. The Brooklynique Group Integrated solution provider for the dental sector Leader in...

Can you find 10 differences? Challenge your mind and be able to overcome this challenge

Don't hesitate any longer and try to solve this fun visual challenge that will put your best cognitive skills to the test. Can you beat him within seconds?Will you be able to spot all the differences between whales?...

What does the last part say

Quartet musician Ulysses are good Shown in the past hours a "favorable development" from a photo severe pneumonia which forced him to put on hold the performances he had planned for that weekend, during which he must rest and...
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Latest News

The New Zealand central bank is cutting interest rates for the first time in more than four years

He Central Bank of New Zealand On Wednesday it cut the benchmark interest rate to 5.25%, its first move...
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